What are experimental animals that college students worship?

On April 24th, 20 17, Xi 'an, the teachers and students of the Medical Department presented Jin Juhua to the "Animal Comfort Monument" for the first time.

That day was World Experimental Animal Day. More than 600 teachers and students from the Medical College of Xi Jiaotong University gathered in front of the "Animal Comfort Monument" in the center of the flower bed of the experimental animal building to hold a sacrifice ceremony for experimental animals. College students bowed and presented chrysanthemums to express people's gratitude and respect for experimental animals.

It is understood that seven kinds of experimental animals have made great contributions to mankind. In order to avoid imposing uncertain risks on human beings, we can only sacrifice experimental animals to increase human safety.

Monkeys: Because they are very similar to humans, monkeys have become the most common nonhuman primates in animal experiments, which are mostly used to study drugs and biological products. In addition, drug safety evaluation and food safety testing will also appear. Macaques and cynomolgus monkeys are most commonly used in China.

Chimpanzee: Because of its high IQ, this primate is widely used in psychological research. In the field of AIDS research, their value is immeasurable. The United States even chose chimpanzees as their animal astronauts,19611.31. After a year and a half of training, the chimpanzee "Ham" flew in a suborbital space capsule 16 minutes and 39 seconds.

Rodents: The genetic similarity between rats and humans is over 70%, and about 9 of every 10 experimental animals are mice or rats. Mice are most suitable for the study of human genetic diseases, while rats are suitable for cancer research and toxicology experiments.

Rabbits: Albino rabbits have long been used in eye irritation tests, the infamous Dretz test, to ensure the safety of cosmetics and private products. The reason for doing experiments on rabbits is that rabbits have fewer tears than other mammals.

Dogs: Dogs are chosen as experimental animals for the study of cardiology, endocrinology and osteoarthritis because of their "compatibility" with humans. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union made nearly 60 dogs play the role of "pathfinder" in the long and difficult manned space flight.

Drosophila: Drosophila has a short life span, so scientists can observe how genetic characteristics are passed down from many generations in a short time. Xenopus laevis: tens of thousands of them are used as experimental animals every year, mainly for DNA research.