After drinking for a long time, Qu Zhisheng was very happy and said, "I remembered it." "What's the matter?" "It was windy yesterday, isn't it snowing today? It doesn't matter if it's windy." Yes, I made a dozen pots of beautiful flowers in the yard yesterday. Unexpectedly, when the wind blew, the flowers all started to float. I, I made a pair of flowers that looked very similar when they floated. It's raining, I call it "Hua Yu". Hey, listen to my first couplet, Hua Yu, come on." Master Yuan thought about it, "Hua Yu, these two have to be next to each other, right?" Yeah, the first couplet and the second couplet are ten words. The first couplet is ten thousand words and the second couplet is ten thousand words. "
"Drinking crazy." "Okay~ okay, come and do it, come on." After drinking,
"I can still add words."
"I can still add words. "
"Flying flowers and rain."
"Sprinkle wine and go crazy."
"Floating flowers and rain."
"Sprinkle wine. "Crazy."
"It's raining in front of the house."
"It's crazy to drink wine at the table."
"God has a way, it's raining in front of the house." Flying flowers and rain spread all over the north and south. "
"My ancestors were wicked and drank like crazy at the banquet. What a waste.