Be a teacher. When Confucius was a shepherd in Lu, Yuan Xian was a servant of Confucius, and Confucius offered him 900 yuan's salary, but he refused. After the death of Confucius, Yuan Xian lived in an alley in Weiguo. His house is very narrow, with a thatched roof, a door made of Artemisia, a window made of broken urn, wet and bare food leaking from it, and his life is extremely poor. However, Yuan Xian doesn't think so. He sat inside all day, playing the piano and singing happily. He has a good personality, leads a poor and happy life and refuses to integrate with the world. ("Confucius' Explanation to the Seventy-two Disciples": "After the death of Confucius, Yuan Xian retired to Wei." )
Zi Gong, Yuan Xian's old friend, became a doctor in Wei, dressed in light fur, white outside and bright inside, and grandly came to visit Yuan Xian in Shandong. Because the alley is narrow, the high car can't pass, so we have to get off and walk.
Yuan Xian was disheveled and came out to meet Zi Gong. Zigong asked him with concern, "Are you sick?" Yuan Xian replied: "If you have no wealth, you will be poor, and if you learn the Tao without practicing it, you will become ill. I'm not sick, just poor. " Zi Gong was ashamed to see him like this. Yuan Xian stood at the door, and Xu Bu dragged the staff to recite the poem Ode to Shang, praising his ancestors. It sounds like a stone.
One of the main works, The Analects of Confucius, is Xianwen, which some people think was written by him.
The literature records "Zhuangzi": Yuanxian Valley, a house, long grass; Peng Hu is infinite, and Sang thinks that the pivot is an urn; two
The brown room thought it was full, leaking from the top and wet from the bottom, and sat silently singing strings. Zigong rode a big horse and won the prize, but it was a plain. The car was not allowed to go up the lane, so he went to see Yuan Xian. Yuan Xian was crowned with shoes and answered the door with a cane. Zi Gong said, "Hey! What happened to Mr. Wang? " Yuan Xian replied: "I heard that if you have no money, you will be poor, and if you study, you will get sick. I am in poor health and not sick today. " Zi Gong wandered around and felt ashamed. Yuan Xian smiled and said, "My husband wants to live in the world and is more friendly than Zhou. He learned to be a man and taught himself. His benevolence and righteousness are decorated with horses, and the Constitution cannot bear it. " Han Han Ying's "Biography of Han Poetry" Volume 1: "Yuan Xian answers the door with a crown and staff, the crown stands, the tassel is absolutely worn, the chin is shaken, and the heel is fixed." Visible life is extremely hard.
Zi Gong asked, "Is Master sick?" Yuan Xian replied, "I heard that those who have no money are poor, and those who have learned the Tao but can't practice it are ill. If it is constitutional, it will be poor and not sick. " After hearing this, Zi Gong left in shame. Yuan Xian is Xu Bu's song "Ode to Shang", which is listened to all over the sky.
Historical evaluation of Wu Jun's poem "Ode to the Fairy of Yuan Dynasty" in Tang Dynasty: "How indifferent it was, the beauty was complacent. Penghu is always like this. No money is poverty, and there is a way to get sick. Mu Ciqin has a high wind and he retreats. "
Later generations used "Yuan Xian Sang Shu" and "Yuan Xian is willing to be poor" as a metaphor for people who can live a poor life and enjoy morality.
To commemorate future generations, there is a Yuanxian Temple in the south gate of Shangqiu Ancient City, Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province. There is a stone tablet in front of the temple, which reads "Hometown of Atomic Constitution". In the forty-fourth year of Kangxi (1705), Shangqiu gentry Song donated money to set up the "Erxian Temple" in the southeast corner of the city. In addition to worshipping Yuan Xian, they also worshipped Sima Niu, a disciple of Xiang Xian Confucius.