Proverbs 17 Bible verse 22 directly answers this question, "A joyful heart is a good medicine; A sad spirit dries up the bones. " King James of England translated the first half of this sentence: "A happy heart is better than good medicine." Unfortunately, people are familiar with this, but that's all. We embroidered it and mounted it on the wall, but forgot to think about its true meaning.
Studying the original Hebrew Bible will help us find out the guiding significance of this sentence to today's life. Solomon used a verb in writing these poems, which can be literally translated as "a happy heart promotes beneficial treatment".
As early as more than 3,000 years ago, Solomon was moved by the Holy Spirit and wrote down the mystery that the medical profession has only discovered so far. Isn't it amazing? Scientific research in the 20th century confirmed Solomon's ancient wisdom that your attitude towards life is closely related to your health.
A happy heart is a good medicine; A sad soul dries up bones.
Doctors have long discovered that there is a very close relationship between body and mind. Although it is difficult to define or quantify their relationship, in practice, every doctor knows this truth. Any doctor can give an example. A patient who was judged to be dying according to the usual medical principles did not die in the end. The only possible explanation is that they have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.
At the same time, doctors can cite many contrary examples. Some people are immersed in negative emotions, anger or hostility and have to seek treatment. Some people who should have recovered long ago have been in cure a disease for a long time, while some patients who could have recovered have died. Many patients died because they gave up hope. Once they give up, people's lives pass away quietly.