The sun is like fire, and the heat is unbearable. The cicadas in the treetops were hoarse. Tired: exhausted. Screaming at the top of my lungs, exhausted. Describe trying to shout. ] Singing happily, under the big tree, the old man is enjoying the cool with a cattail leaf fan, and in the river, the children are playing in the water. On a sleepless summer night, insects are buzzing and groups of fireflies are cruising with lanterns.
Say goodbye to the heat wave in summer and step into the coolness in autumn. The fields are full of golden rice waves, and the orchards are filled with sweet fruit fragrance. Autumn is fruitful, a golden season and a harvest season.
Snowflakes fell on the treetops, roofs and the ground. Miss Winter created a crystal clear fairy tale world with a pair of skillful hands. Make a snowman, have a snowball fight and hide under the covers. The world of pink jade is full of children's happy winter, a hibernating season.
Colorful seasons and rich life.