From servant to friend about 15: 1- 15
About 15: 1- 15 From servant to friend
First, God prunes us.
"I am a real vine, and my father is a cultivator. He cut off all the branches that belong to me, and they didn't bear fruit; Whoever bears fruit will be pruned, so that the branches will bear more fruit. (About fifteen 1? 2) These two verses are very interesting. We have two choices. One is that the branches that do not bear fruit will be cut off, and the other is that the branches that bear fruit will be repaired.
1. God is with us. Now you are clean because of the word I told you. Live in me and I will live in you. Branches don't often stay on vines, and they can't bear fruit themselves; If you don't live in me often, it's the same. I am a vine, and you are a branch. He who lives in me and I live in him will bear much fruit. Because you can't do anything without me. "(probably 15 3? 5) People often say, "I can't do anything without Jesus." This sentence is correct.
2. God is willing to answer the prayer: "If people don't stay in me often, they are like withered branches left outside. People pick it up and throw it into the fire to burn it. If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you. "(probably 15 6? 7) After reading these two verses, you must long for this relationship with God, that is, whatever you ask him in the Lord, he will give you. Is this not good?
3. People whom God trusts and advocates obedience. "If you obey my orders, you will become my friends. I won't call you servants anymore, because servants don't know what their masters are doing. I call you a friend; For I have told you everything I heard from my father. (About fifteen 14? 15)