God has thoughts and plans, and he won't do unnecessary things. He is not idle, just letting people out for fun.
According to the Bible, man is the noblest and most accurate creation of God. What was the purpose of God's creation of mankind?
1. God wants us to be like him.
Because he knew in advance, he decided to imitate his son and make him the eldest son among many brothers (Barrow 29)
"So you are called; Because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example to follow in his footsteps. (Peter Alekseyevich Romanov 2 1)
Genesis records that God created man in his own image (Genesis 1: 26-27). In the flesh, God created us according to the image he likes to appear and the image the Lord will take in the world (Ezekiel 1: 26). Spiritually, God is a spirit, and he also gave us a soul, which has free will, reason, feelings and so on. So that we can get to know him and communicate with him. So people can like him more and more and be more and more United with him.
God created us to fill us with his beauty and fully display him. God wants us to be like him, which shows how much he loves us and how high his hopes are. God's will for us must be fulfilled, so we must have such rich glory. The more we resemble him and unite with him, the more satisfied he will be.
God wants people to be his children.
Because he loves us, he predestined us to be sons in Jesus Christ according to his own will. (F. 1: 5)
You see, the heavenly father has given us so much love that we can be called children of God. We are really his children. People don't know us because they don't know him. (about 13 1)
God created us in his image, making it possible for us to be his children. Even if a couple have been married for many years and their knees are still weak, they will never find a pig as their son, because pigs are pigs, not people, don't understand people and can't be concentric with people.
Man is far more noble than an angel. Angels are just servants of God, serving those who receive salvation (Hebrews 1: 14). Archangels can be said to be God's more advanced servants, just like plumbers.
But we are children of God, the closest, deepest and most honorable people in the universe. He not only wants us to be his children, but also leads us into glory and become his glorious children, not his humble children. Since we are his children, we are the heirs. We are the heirs of Christ, inheriting everything God created (Romans. 8: 17).
God created us for the Lord Jesus.
"Because everything is made by him, whether it is in the sky or on the ground; What to see and what not to see; Or someone in charge, in charge, in power, in power; He did everything and did it for him. (Yi Xi 16)
Father, where am I? May those he has given me stay with me, so that they may see the glory he has given me. Because he loved me before he created the world. "(about 17: 24)
It's beautiful. God created us not for humble or secondary purposes, but for his beloved son! He created us to satisfy and enjoy God. But he didn't regard us as tools to satisfy his son; But because the heavenly father really loves his only son, the Lord Jesus, and he really loves us, he gave us to his beloved son and asked us to enjoy the Lord first.
How can we let the Lord enjoy it? It is to approach the Lord with faith and enjoy the Lord, and we will like him, love him and respond with love.
Infinitely precious! God wants us to match the Lord! The Lord Jesus is our lover and close friend, and we are his wives. How sweet it is that we and the Lord belong to each other, know each other, love each other and enjoy each other!
God created us for his glory.
Everyone who is called by my name is created by me for my own glory. I created and created. (Isaiah 43: 7) "May he be glorified in the church and Christ Jesus, from generation to generation, forever and ever. Amen! " (Fu San 2 1)
God is not selfish, he deserves glory. When he is glorious, people will think that he is precious, will get endless happiness because of his preciousness, and will be blessed because he is willing to obey him.
God wants us to love him, unite with him and be closest to him.
Jesus said to him, love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul. This is the first and greatest commandment. "(Matt. 22: 37-38)
But he who is United with the Lord is one spirit with the Lord. (before forest 1. 6 17)
"I belong to my lover, and my lover belongs to me; He is herding sheep among lilies. " (Song Liusan)
"I belong to my lover, and he longs for me." (Song 7 10)
From God's greatest commandment, we can see that the purpose of God's creation and the greatest requirement for us is that we love him. Because God's love can give the whole universe the greatest happiness and happiness. We love him and we both have the greatest happiness.
God created us so that he and we can enjoy the greatest happiness and happiness. He wants us to enjoy him, and he enjoys us. He wants us to enjoy his love and love him, so that he can have satisfied joy.
God is love. He wants to create a world full of love and happiness in the universe. God's love is so great that everyone in the world can't tolerate his unpredictable love. How long and profound his love is!
Love must be eager to be together often. Therefore, God longs to be one with us, love each other, be closest to each other, and even live in us forever! (about 14: 23)
How happy I am! Ah! One day, we will face the Lord and see his true self! We want to be with him forever! Live together in a glorious country and a field full of sweetness and life (about 17: 24)!
6. God wants people to work with him and take power.
God said, "We will make man in our image, in our likeness, and make them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the livestock on the earth and all the reptiles on the earth. God created man in his own image, but he created man and woman in his own image. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and rule the land, as well as the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and all the living things that move on the earth." (Genesis 26-28)
"There will be no more nights; They don't need lights or sunshine, because the Lord God will shine on them. They will always be kings. " (22nd revision, 5)
It turns out that God created man to be a "commander in chief". God likes people to work with him, share his glorious plan, move towards the same goal, make our hearts beat with him, share joys and sorrows with him in service and hardship, and make our hearts more connected with his.
The devil is disobedient to God, proud and depraved, but God does not destroy him directly and immediately. God wants to prove through historical facts that he is worthy of managing the universe, being a king and winning the hearts of angels and people, but the devil is absolutely not worthy! God also wants people to be in power and to deal with the enemy. God wants to bind the devil to nothing through all this; It also makes the whole universe completely convinced of God.
After the Lord Jesus comes again and receives the church in the cloud, there will be seven years of disaster on the earth. Next, the Lord and we will descend on the Mount of Olives facing east in front of Jerusalem to deal with and subdue all enemies. At that time, all the nations in the world became the kingdom of the Lord Christ, and the Lord Jesus will reign with us on the earth for a thousand years. At that time, the whole land was full of peace, joy and the glory of the Lord, and everything was revived and renewed, and all the sorrows and sighs fled. After the Millennium, the Lord will imprison the devil and all unbelievers in hell forever. Then, God will create a new heaven and a new earth. Our glorious hometown, the new city of Jerusalem, will land on the new earth, where there will be rivers of living water and trees of life, and the glory of God will shine. We will be bathed in the face and love of the Lord, and we will rule and manage the new earth with the Lord and continue to breed a large number of people. From now on, there will be no more sin, tears and death, and it will be a world of endless love. We will use the Lord to govern more and more people, and their number is more than the sand by the sea. The Lord and our regime are growing endlessly! We will rule everything with him forever! (Revision 26, Revision 2 1 1-5, Revision 22 1-5)
7. God created man for the appearance and completion of the church.
God created man for the appearance and completion of the church, in order to give the church to his son to satisfy him; At the same time, every member of the church (the house of God) is also the most satisfied.
"And let all people know how the mystery hidden in the God who created all things through the ages is arranged, so that the rulers and authorities in heaven can now know the wisdom of God through the church. This is according to the will of God in Christ Jesus our Lord from everlasting. (Fu San 9- 1 1)
Father, where am I? May those he has given me stay with me, so that they may see the glory he has given me. Because he loved me before he created the world. "(about 17: 24)
"The kingdom of heaven is like a king who arranged a wedding banquet for his son." (Article 22, paragraph 2).
"Let's be happy and give him glory. Because it was time for the lamb to get married and the bride herself was ready, she was blessed to wear bright white linen. This linen is the righteousness of the saints. The angel said to me, "Write: Blessed are those who are invited to the lamb wedding feast!"! "! He said to me, "This is the true word of God. ""(Page 7-9 of version 19)
The church is the most glorious masterpiece of God's plan from eternity to eternity, and it is the core of his plan. God will give the church to the Lord as his wife and bride. He will teach to love the Lord, to belong to the Lord, to be worthy of the Lord, to suffer together, to glory together, to be in power together, to inherit all things together and to satisfy the heart of the Lord. The Lord and the church are the closest relatives and cannot be separated. This is God's will and plan since ancient times, so we should live for the Lord and the church.
When people commit selfish crimes, they will deviate from God's purpose of creating us. In this way, they will fall into an empty and meaningless life.
After a person commits a crime, he is not like a god but like a devil.
After committing a crime, people leave God, no longer love each other, can't enjoy each other and work together, lose power and happiness, and humiliate God. What a tragedy!
God wants us to come to him in faith, enjoy him completely, be filled with him and become more like him. With faith, we can enjoy his strength and blessing like our hearts, and then we can live a life that suits God's heart and satisfies God.
This is God's order in the universe: everything originates from him, depends on him and belongs to him. By the Holy Spirit, we can love God and love others. Enjoy his love and respond to him with love.
At the extreme of the earth, we love the Lord, get close to him, be his deepest confidant, love God's children, and build the church together to satisfy the Lord's heart.
"Dear Lord Jesus, I thank him for shedding precious blood to save me, and for coming across mountains to find me and bringing me back to his arms. Lord, he will completely restore and realize God's purpose of creating me in me. 」
If you don't enjoy the Lord and love him deeply today, you will waste today!