Original: Pei Gong's army was dominant, but he did not meet Xiang Yu. Pei Gong Sajima Cao Wushang sent a message to Xiang Yu, saying: "Pei Gong wants to be the king of Guanzhong, making Zi Ying the phase, and has all kinds of treasures." Xiang Yu was furious and said, "I am willing to fight to defeat Pei Gong's army!" When it is, Xiang Yu has 400,000 soldiers in Xinfeng Hongmen; Pei, 100,000 soldiers, on the bully.
Fan Zeng said that Xiang Yu said, "When Pei Gong lived in Shandong, he was greedy for money and loved Maggie. Today, when I entered the customs, I didn't take my belongings. The woman was lucky. This is not a small ambition. I let people see, all dragons and tigers, colorful. This son of heaven is also angry. Don't lose it! "
Cao Wushang, who was in charge of military and political affairs in Liu Bang's army, sent someone to see Xiang Yu, saying, "Liu Bang wants to be king in Guanzhong and let Zi Ying be prime minister. All the treasures are in Liu Bang's hands. Xiang Yu was very angry and said, "Reward the soldiers tomorrow and defeat Liu Bang's army for me! "
At that time, Xiang Yu's 400,000 troops were stationed in Xinfeng Hongmen; Liu Bang stationed 65,438+10,000 troops on the tyrant. Fan Zeng advised Xiang Yu: "When Pei Gong was in the east of Xiaoshan, he was greedy for money and goods and loved beautiful women. Now that he has entered the customs, he doesn't plunder property or have a crush on women, which shows that he is ambitious. I asked people to see his luck there, all in the shape of dragons and tigers and colorful. This is the emperor's luck. Fast break, don't lose the opportunity. "
works appreciation
Starting with Wang Xiang Promise, this paper explains the origin of the Hongmen Banquet. Firstly, the article points out the stationing of Liu and Xiang armies and the strength of both sides, which shows that Xiang Yu has absolute superiority and the initiative in the war is in his hands. The following character activities are all related to this background. The cause of the struggle is informer. Xiang Yu heard that "Pei Gong wanted Wang Guanzhong" offended his dignity and immediately decided to attack Liu Bang. Fan Zeng, his chief adviser, took the opportunity to expose Liu Bang's ambition and encouraged him to attack.
Their different understanding indicates that they will adopt different attitudes towards Liu Bang. War seemed imminent, but suddenly there was a turn for the better. Xiang Bo visited Sean in the evening to repay his kindness and advised him to run away. However, Sean told Liu Bang the news on the pretext of "sending Pei Gong to see King Koryo". Liu Bang then wooed Xiang Bo and defended himself with lies. Xiang Bo agreed to mediate and told Liu that "fleas must come to thank the king". Because of this, there was a fight at the hongmen banquet.