Thoughts on Reading Leviticus

What is your summary after reading a famous book? Write your thoughts after reading and make records. Have you figured out how to write your comments? The following is my essay on Leviticus. Welcome to reading. I hope you will like it.

It took us twenty-seven days to finish reading Leviticus. To tell the truth, I didn't like reading this book before. Every time I read it, I either skip it directly or read ten lines, leaving nothing in my mind after reading it. But the last time I read the Bible with the Bible Reading Group, it was under the guidance of Adam Shao that I really felt the value of this book when I read it carefully for the first time. Many things in Leviticus that I thought the New Testament had been abolished and had nothing to do with me shone like that, which attracted me deeply and moved me, and made me really understand the redemption achieved by the Lord Christ on the cross. When writing and sharing, I always want to share all the feelings I read from Bible verses and reference books, so I write very long. I hope readers will not be intimidated by this hard-to-read book and such hard-to-read sharing, but can see the beautiful and precious richness in this scripture. Lord, please open our eyes and let us see the wonders of your law!

We know that the law in the Old Testament was originally a "shadow", but it reflects the real image of this thing, and the real image of that thing is Christ. The law was preached through Moses, and grace and truth came from Jesus Christ. Leviticus first talked about how to get rid of sin through sacrifice. In the New Testament, Christ achieved salvation for us on the cross, making people justified by faith. The second half of Leviticus talks about the holy regulations promulgated by God. If people obey them, they can live before God. Today, as long as we offer the body of Christ once, we can be sanctified by the Holy Spirit and enjoy the blessing of being with God at any time. All these are precious to God. Grace.

Leviticus talks about four kinds of animals that sacrifice: cows, sheep, turtledoves or pigeons. These are docile and obedient animals. We see these sacrifices before Christ.

He was led to the slaughter like a sheep, and he was silent like a lamb under a shearing man, so he didn't speak. (Isaiah 53: 7; Acts 8:32) "When Jesus taught his disciples, he also talked about taming pigeons (Matthew. 10: 16).

The bull is strong, can finish the work, and its mission will be achieved; Goats, with steady steps, will not swing from side to side, deviate from the right path, and will not be one step behind. The Son of Man came to save the lost. The moment the Lord Jesus died on the cross, he was still looking for the redemption of his lost soul and saved the robber who was crucified with him but repented (Luke 23:43). On the cross, he knew that everything had been accomplished and that the Bible would be fulfilled on him, so he said, "I am thirsty (about 19:28)" until he said, "It was done (about 19:30)". Our Lord has fulfilled his mission and never deviated from God's will and devoted himself completely.

Turtledove and pigeon are soft, sensitive and docile. On the cross, the Lord Jesus prayed to God to forgive those who didn't know that Jesus was the Christ because of spiritual ignorance and crucified him. How gentle and kind it is! Jesus said to him, "Father. Forgive them because they don't know what they are doing. "(Luke 23:34). In great pain, he still cared about the pain in his mother Mary's heart and entrusted her to his favorite disciple John (about 19:26-27). What a good example this kind of care and filial piety has set for all children!

An innocent sacrifice, though innocent, is offered instead of a guilty person; Although the Lord Jesus is flawless and completely innocent, he bears all the sins of the world, is crucified and abandoned by the holy and righteous God, so that we can become the righteousness of God in him. He cried out in pain on the cross, "My God! Oh, my God! Why did you abandon me? (Matt. 27:46) "He is a holy God, but he has become our sin. How elegant!

The last sentence of the Lord Jesus on the cross was: "Father! I give my soul to you. (Luke 23:46) "This shows us the holocaust. "So when Christ came into this world, he said,' God, you don't want sacrifices and gifts. You prepared my body. You don't like burnt offerings and sin offerings. I said,' God, I have come to do your will; My story has been recorded in the scriptures. (Heb. 6: 10:5- 10) "Christ came to dedicate himself completely to God, to be an atonement sacrifice for people, to get rid of our sins, to make us free, to be holy and to return to God. People who are dominated by sin have no freedom to commit crimes or to be holy. Shouldn't we, who are blessed by God and bought by the Lord at a high price, follow God's word, live a holy life and glorify God with our bodies? This is a matter of course! When you offer your body as a living sacrifice, it is holy and pleasing to God. It is natural for us to serve like this! (Luo 12: 1)

The Bible is really precious. "Scriptures are all inspired by God, which are beneficial to teaching, reprimanding, correcting people, teaching people justice, making people who belong to God complete and ready to do all kinds of good deeds. (Tim. 3: 16- 17) "How sweet your words are in my mouth! Sweeter than honey in my mouth! (Poem 1 19: 103) Although Leviticus is difficult to read and understand, how precious and sweet it is! Lord, please open our hearts, and we will go directly to the path you command. 1 19: 32); May you attract us, and we will run and follow! (Song 1:4) May all praise, glory, honor, authority and authority be yours, because only you deserve it! Thank god! Amen! Amen!