There is an urgent need for an English poem, which lasts for 5-8 minutes and has positive and healthy content.

The Angel is written by Sally Meyer (c) 1997. All rights reserved. It didn't start in the stable or Bethlehem. It started with an angel in Mary's native land. In a small town called Nazareth, Gabriel came to the Notre Dame Fair. Say, "Blessed are you among women," and you will give birth to our father's son. Then, the angel visited the carpenter Mary wanted to marry. When Yue Se was lying in bed, he came to see him in a dream. "Don't be afraid, son of David," and marry Mary. God's child will need you to take care of him in this life. The big day came when Jesus was born in a manger on a hay mat. On the first Christmas, the angels sang to welcome the king. Then go and tell the good news to the shepherds who look after the lambs. The angel said, "I bring good news" and kindness to all the land. The frightened shepherd found comfort in the angelic chorus of heaven. They sing about peace, joy and a baby who will come to us one day. Herod sent his cleverest man to look for the young king. So they followed the star from the east and brought precious gifts. When they left, an angel told Herod the evil plan. He doesn't want to worship children, but to destroy the son of man. Joseph listened to the angel and they fled to Egypt. After Herod died, he listened again and returned to Galilee. Many years before the birth of Christ, another prophet was told. An angel was talking to Samuel, who was an ancient Raman. Who are these angels chosen by God? They must be brave servants who brought us the message of his love.