The king of Qin sent an envoy to tell the king of Zhao that he wanted to meet him in Mianchi outside Xihe River. Zhao Wang was afraid of Qin and wanted not to do it. Lian Po and Lin Xiangru said, "Wang can't do it, which shows that Zhao is weak and timid." Zhao Wang followed suit and followed suit. When Lian Po saw him off to the border, he said to the king, "Go on, Wang, and pay back what you will meet in the Taoist temple. It will only be 3 days. If you don't pay it back in 3 days, please make the prince king, so that you can never see Qin Wang again. " Wang Xuzhi, hence and Qin Wang Mianchi. The king of Qin was drinking heavily and said, "I overheard the good voice of the king of Zhao. Please play the harp." Zhao Wang drums and harps. The first book of Qin Yu Shi said, "On a certain day, the king of Qin and the king of Zhao will drink, which will make the king of Zhao play the drums." Lin Xiangru said, "The King of Zhao secretly heard that the King of Qin was a good voice of Qin, so he asked the Qin basin to marry the King of Qin for entertainment." The king of Qin is angry and forbid it. So he went forward and knelt down to invite the king of Qin. The king of Qin refused to strike. Xiang Ru said, "Within five steps, Xiang Ru will please spill blood on his neck!" The left and right want to be like a blade, and they are like a slap in the face. So the king of Qin didn't worry about it, but it was a blow. For example, Gu Zhao's suggestion book said, "On a certain day, the king of Qin killed the king of Zhao." The ministers of Qin said, "Please take the fifteenth city of Zhao as the birthday of Qin Wang." Lin Xiangru also said, "Please take Xianyang, the land of Qin, as Zhao Wangshou." The king of Qin actually drinks wine, but he can't beat Zhao in the end. Zhao Yisheng had soldiers waiting for Qin, but Qin did not dare to move.
2. Translation:
The King of Qin sent an envoy to inform the King of Zhao that he wanted to have a friendly meeting with the King of Zhao in Mianchi, outside the Xihe River. The prince of Zhao was afraid of Qin and couldn't think of going. Lian Po and Lin Xiangru discussed: "If your Majesty doesn't go, it will appear that Zhao is weak and timid." The prince of Zhao then went to the meeting and accompanied him. Lian Po sent him to the border to bid farewell to the Prince of Zhao, saying, "Your Majesty's trip is estimated to be over in 3 days, plus the time for his return. If you don't come back in 3 days, please allow us to make the prince king to cut off the delusion of Qin. " The prince of Zhao agreed with this opinion and went to Mianchi to meet with the king of Qin. When the king of Qin was drunk, he said, "I heard privately that the king of Zhao likes music. Please play the harp!" The prince of Zhao played the harp. The historian of the state of Qin came forward and wrote: "On a certain day in a certain month, the king of Qin and the king of Zhao drank together, which made the king of Zhao play the harp." Lin Xiangru came forward and said, "Zhao Wang privately heard that Qin Wang is good at Qin local folk music. Please let me give Qin Wang a basin for mutual entertainment." The king of Qin was angry and refused. At this time, Xiang Ru handed the tile forward and knelt down to ask the king of Qin to play. The king of Qin refused to strike, and Xiang Ru said, "In these five steps, I, Lin Xiangru, will spill blood from my neck on the king!" The attendants wanted to kill each other, and they shouted at each other with their eyes wide open, and the attendants were scared to retreat. At that time, the king of Qin was not happy, so he had to knock. Xiang Ru called back to the official of Zhao State and wrote: "On a certain day in a certain year, the king of Qin knocked for the king of Zhao." The ministers of the state of Qin said, "Please use the fifteen cities of Zhao to present gifts to the king of Qin." Lin Xiangru also said, "Please use Xianyang of Qin State to present gifts to the Prince of Zhao." Until the end of the banquet, the king of Qin failed to overwhelm Zhao. Zhao originally deployed a large number of troops to guard against Qin, so Qin did not dare to do anything.