Shun was born in the spring field, raised in the building, and raised in fish and salt, which controlled the situation in Yiwu. Sun Shuai was raised in the sea and Baili was raised in the city. Therefore, when the sky falls, people must first suffer their minds, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess around. Therefore, patience has benefited them a lot.
People are unchangeable, and then they can change; Trapped in the heart, balanced in consideration, and then made; Symbols use color, hair uses sound, and then metaphor. A country, if there are no ministers and wise men who can assist the king, will often be in danger of the collapse of its neighboring countries and the misfortunes from abroad. In this way, you will know that sorrow is enough to make people live and pleasure is enough to make people die.
Add the above, I hope to adopt it. Hehe ~?