Is that him? Is that her? That's him! That's her! Memory and reality, youth and autumn, instantly adjust the focal length in the pupil, and freeze the real faces that you can't believe but have to believe.
Hugs, handshakes and greetings are restrained, except for the cheerful, naughty and playful passion and romance of young people.
Monitor or monitor? He told everyone to calm down, talk about the agenda and make a speech, like arranging group activities in the class on the podium in front of the blackboard, and everyone listened to him. The monitor is not a monitor either. He faced a vicissitudes face, a vicissitudes face looked at his vicissitudes face, some familiar and some unfamiliar.
Once fluffy hair, bow braid, rosy cheeks and black eyebrows suddenly conjured up elves with long tails, swimming and jumping in each other's eyes like clouds and smelling like mountains.
When it comes to growth and experience, glory and frustration, family and society, responsibility and responsibility, we feel that the world is ruthless and the laws of nature remain unchanged. We realize that life is short and the spirit and soul are immortal ... Words are no longer naive, naive, simple and impetuous, but the crystallization of time and the beauty of life.