Requesting poems by Puerto Rican-American poet Miguel Pinello

I didn’t find anything with a similar name to ashtray among Miguel Pinero’s poems. Here is a list of all his poems, take a look.

Cocaine Nose - Acid Face

Black Woman With The Blond Wig On

Seekin' The Cause

Visitin' A Friend At The Cold Shop

Spring Garden - Philadelphia

The Book of Genesis According to St. Miguelito

Kill, Kill, Kill

La Bodega Sold Dreams

On The Lock-In

On The Day They Birthed My Mother...

New York City Hard Time Blues

Running Scared

This Is Not The Place Where I Was Born

Jitterbug Jesus

You said there should be my ashtray became a cemetary in "The Ashtray" The phrase "for all my dead thoughts" means that the ashtray is the cemetery where memories are buried. It seems to come not from a poem but from one of his movie lines.