Thousands of trees wither in winter, and the water is sparse and the mountains are cold. Only a few weeds in the field are not afraid of cold, and the striking green creeps in the north wind. Persimmon trees in the wind have already fallen leaves, and persimmons covered with branches light up winter eyes like red lanterns.
The cold north wind blew several times. After the first frost, persimmon leaves turned beautiful red, dazzling! At this time, the autumn wind rustled in the fields, and the leaves of trees were withering. Only persimmons stand out in the wind.
The beauty of persimmon lies in its transparency. Beautiful, fairy-like, shocking and infatuated. After the first frost, persimmon experienced the baptism of wind and frost, and reached the abundance of life.
Crystal clear persimmons are like lanterns, agates and burning flames. Take a sip, the red fruit juice, the entrance of My Sweetie, cool and refreshing, and a sweet satiny immediately refreshing and full of praise.
Persimmon trees in my hometown are unpretentious. Her black branches, like the color of steel, are thriving. Persimmon trees grow regardless of soil, and nothing grows. As long as there is soil, they will take root. The intertwined roots go deep into the soil and absorb the nutrients of Mother Earth. No matter in the plain or barren slope, the canal edge or the ground edge can always grow deep. This persimmon tree, which grows in the mountainous area of southern Jiangxi, is very similar to those hardworking and simple people who grow on this land.