The sound of the stream is playing, the clear green color of the flute caresses the riverside; the child is dead, and the spring breeze plays with the beautiful face. Rouge powder is indifferent, the girl is sleeping quietly and does not wake up drunk; Xiao Feng washes the farm, love does not see the bamboo branches and leaves. When the song is joyful, the soul is lingering and wants to spill the wine; if it is regretful and longing, it still eliminates the evil of resentment. Delicate and dripping, the breeze has passed through the smog; the love is deep, the strings are broken and the tears are swallowed. Looking at Haitang, in the past few years, I have forgotten how long ago we repaid each other; we crossed the river secretly in green bamboo hats, no longer in the limelight but smiling.
The surge of thoughts makes it difficult to compose poems, and it is rare to encounter the urgency of enlightenment; the glimpses are also fleeting, the bird's song does not disturb the charming eyes, the wings are double, and it is in a trance: this bird is a bird in the hood, the hood is It is a house, and we look for food together; the king is the master, and he treats birds like a friend, and there is no need for him to repay his kindness to others. If the bird loves you, you will do your best to protect it; if the bird is evil, you will stand up and call it away.
Nong expresses his emotions with this object: "Everything in the world is filled with love and warmth. Who dares to say that the whole place is desolate and no one cares about me? Can I be angry and resentful?"
High School Year 1: Yu Yueyue
Popular recommendation: Poetry and Love in Tears