Young people are wise, the country is wise, young people are rich, the country is rich, and young people are strong, the country is strong. Juvenile independence is national independence, juvenile freedom is national freedom, and juvenile progress is national progress. If teenagers are better than Europe, then China is better than Europe. Teenagers are better than the earth, and the country is better than the earth.
When the red sun rises, its path is bright, the river flows downstream, Wang Yang pours, the dragon is deep, the scales fly, the milk tiger roars at the valley, all the animals panic, the eagle tries its wings, the dust sucks, the exotic flowers are born, and the cadres are in a hurry, each with its own awn, covering its pale sun and stepping on its yellow.
Beautiful, I am a young man from China, and the sky is not old!
Zhuang Zi, I am a teenager in China, and I have no borders with China!