Dear father, thank you for your salvation, so that we can enter your country from darkness and become light. May my future wife always praise you with gratitude (Hebrews 12:28).
Lord, please give her a grateful heart and thank God for his choice and redemption. 1: 12). Please open her eyes and let her see that there are countless things to be grateful for in life (2 Cor. 9: 15), let her learn to count and record your daily favor. Please make her understand the meaning of praise (poem 100:4), make her willing to praise you, learn to praise you, love to praise you, and make praise a habit of hers (poem 1 19: 164).
Let her get rid of the enemy's rule through praise (Sam 2. 22:4). When she raises her hand in praise happily, please accept (Ps. 33: 1). May she praise you with poems (Ps. 69:30), dancing and singing with various musical instruments (Ps. 149:3) (Ps。 150:3-5) and cheer and praise you (Acts 3:8). May she praise your power, your goodness, your strength, your love and your righteousness. 35:28).
Let her praise the Lord from morning till night (Ps. 1 13:3), not only praise you, but also praise you with others (Ephesians 5: 19) and praise your name to the Gentiles (Ps. 66:8).
Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, amen!
Hebrews 12:28 Therefore, since we have a kingdom that cannot be shaken, we should be grateful and serve God with piety and awe as God pleases.
Timothy 1: 12 Brothers beloved by the Lord, we should always thank God for you, because he chose you from the beginning so that you could be sanctified by the Holy Spirit and saved by faith.
Oh, my god Thank God for giving us endless gifts.
Hymn 100:4 Enter his door with thanks and his court with praise. Thank him and praise his name.
Ps 1 19: 164 I praise you seven times a day for your righteous law.
Sam 22:4 I call upon the Lord who is worthy of praise, so that I will be saved from my enemies.
Psalm 33: 1 rejoice in the Lord, you righteous people; The praise of the upright is appropriate.
Psalm 69:30 I will praise God's name with my songs and make him great with gratitude!
Hymn 149:3 May they dance to praise his name and sing praises to him with drums and harps!
Psalm 150:3-5 Praise him with the horn, praise him with the harp. Praise him with drums and dances, praise him with stringed instruments and flute sounds. Praise him with loud cymbals, praise him with loud cymbals.
Acts 3: 8 And he jumped up and stood and walked. Into the temple with them, walking and dancing, praising God.
Psalm 35:28 My tongue will talk about your righteousness all day long and praise you all the time (Psalm 150:2 Praise him for his power and praise him according to his greatness.
From sunrise to sunset, praise be to the name of the Lord.
Ephesians 5: 19 talk to each other with psalms, eulogies and spiritual songs, and praise the Lord with your mouth and heart.
Psalm 66:8 Praise our God, all people! Make people listen to his praise.