The author of The Book of Songs is anonymous, and most of them cannot be verified. They were collected by Yin Jifu and edited by Confucius. In the pre-Qin period, the Book of Songs was called "The Book of Songs", or it was called "The Book of Songs 300" by integers. In the Western Han Dynasty, it was honored as a Confucian classic, formerly known as The Book of Songs, which has been in use ever since.
The Book of Songs is divided into three parts: style, elegance and ode. "Wind" is a ballad of Zhou Dynasty. Elegant music is the official music of Zhou people, which is divided into harmony and elegance. Ode is a musical song used for sacrificial rites in Zhou and noble ancestral temples, which is divided into ode to, and ode to Shang.
For Feng, elegance and praise are the classification and content theme of poetry; Fu, Bi and Xing are the expressive methods of poetry. Among them, style, elegance and praise are divided according to the different music, while fu, bi and xing are divided according to the means of expression.
The application of Fu, Bi and Xing is an important symbol of the artistic features of The Book of Songs, and it is also the basic technique of China's ancient poetry creation. There have always been many arguments about the meaning of Fu, Bi and Xing.
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Inherit history
It is said that there are as many as 3,000 poems handed down in the Spring and Autumn Period, and now only 3 1 1 is left (six of them are poems without eyes). After Confucius compiled The Book of Songs, the earliest recorded inheritor was Xia Zi, one of the "Ten Philosophers of Confucius" and one of the 72 sages. He has the deepest understanding of poetry, so he passed it on.
There were three poets in the early Han Dynasty, namely Shen Peigong of Lu, Gu Sheng of Qi and Han Ying of Yan. Qi's poems died in Wei, Lu's poems died in the Western Jin Dynasty, and Han's poems still spread in the Tang Dynasty, with only 10 volume left. The Book of Songs circulated today is a poem by Mao Gong. ?
Baidu Encyclopedia-The Book of Songs