roses means: rose wine, rose, rose, pink.
Chinese translation:
n. Rosé wine; pink wine.
n. Rose (flower); rose (flower); pink; (water pipe or watering can) lotus nozzle.
Introduction to roses:
Rose is the most famous and popular type of all flowers. Roses have been revered for centuries. Historical evidence shows that they grew in China approximately 5,000 years ago, and they have played a role in history ever since. Whether by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Christians, Franciscans or others, the rose has always been an eternal symbol of love, beauty and equality.
While each color expresses love, beauty and balance a little differently, the main message is still love. A rose has many different meanings, depending on its color. However, any rose can generally be seen as symbolizing: love, honor, faith, beauty, balance, passion, wisdom, devotion and eternity.
In various European languages, rose, rose, and rose all use the same word, such as rose in English and Die Rose in German. The rose is the national flower of 14 countries including the United Kingdom and the United States. "Rose" in its colloquial sense has become a generic name for many species of the genus Rosa. And in fact, hybrid roses are also produced by cross-breeding of various species in the genus Rosa.
Bilingual examples:
1. Most roses will begin to bloom from late May. Most roses will begin to bloom from late May.
2. The rose bushes are a mass of flowers in June. The rose bushes are a mass of flowers in June. ?
3. Roses had been trained around the door. Roses had been trained so that they grew around the door. ?
4. Roses grew in profusion against the old wall. Roses grew in profusion against the old wall.
5. Some roses climbed on the frames.
6. That is a hybrid perpetual rose. That is a hybrid rose that blooms all year round.