What are the difficulties in worship of leaders?

Sometimes it is difficult to focus on the Lord when leading worship.

Judging from the fact that many people have the same problem, it seems normal. But on the other hand, I don't think this is the best situation for the Lord. Let's see what obstacles make it difficult to serve.

One of the most common reasons why you can't worship well is that you are not familiar with the music in worship. When you focus on music, it's really hard for you to focus on God himself. You can solve this problem by practicing in music, that is, practicing singing poems (including all kinds of tones you may use, including variations), practicing chords, expressing them with instruments and sounds, and studying music theory more deeply. These sounds like a lot of homework, but there is no shortcut in this respect. If you don't lay a good foundation, you will continue to face musical difficulties.

Another common problem is inadequate preparation. If you have no direction, you don't know how to get to your destination. As a worship leader, you must have a plan for the direction of service (it is best to cooperate with the preacher). In this way, the worship you lead will have a direction and will not lose its center of gravity. Remember: you can never have too much planning and preparation in advance. God can easily lead and guide you before the meeting, just as he can lead you in the meeting.

The third common fault is the lack of worship of the secret room. What I didn't do in the secret room life, I couldn't do it in front of everyone on Sunday morning. If you live a life of worship from Monday to Saturday, your worship will be smoother on Sunday. Taking praise and worship as a way of life is the real key to successfully lead praise and worship.

Finally, when everything is ready, sometimes it seems lacking. At this time, just be humble and give everything to the Lord. You have done your best to ask God to promote the good work of worship in your heart.