10:9 I am the door, and whoever comes in through me will be saved, and there will be grass to eat in and out. What does this "in and out" mean?
For Christians, there is only one door, which is what Jesus said: "I am the door of the sheep" (about 10:7). Today, every brother and sister is a lamb redeemed by God. Which door do we enter into God's salvation? Some people think that entering the door of the church is entering the door of salvation, which is wrong. Today, we have the birthright of the son of God, the hope of entering the kingdom of heaven and the blessing of eternal life, because we believe in Jesus and entered through the door of Jesus. Our path is only Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. Without me, no one can go to the Father" (about 14:6). "Because there is no other name in the world, we can be saved" (Acts 4: 12). Jesus is a great shepherd, and we are the sheep in his pasture. Jesus is also the door of the sheep and a solid guarantee for the sheep.