All the lyrics are as follows:
The rhythm of waterfalls
Listen to the rhythm of rain falling.
Tell me how stupid I am.
I hope it will disappear and make me cry in vain.
Let me be lonely again
The only girl I care about has gone.
Looking for a fresh start
But she didn't know that when she left that day.
She took my heart away.
Rain, please tell me, is this fair?
Let her steal my heart
When she doesn't care, I can't love others anymore.
When my heart is far away
Rain, can you tell her how much I love her?
Please let the sun light her heart.
Let the love we know begin to grow.
Oh, listen to the sound of rain
Di Li Adela
It is the theme song of the Oscar classic film Rain Man, and it is also one of the classic Oscar songs over the years.