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Mencius said: "How can we talk to those who are not benevolent? How can we subdue the country if we put it in danger and benefit its weeds[1] and enjoy the death of those who are not benevolent? Is there a prodigal? There is a boy who sings: "The water in the Canglang is clear, and I can wash my tassels [2]; the water in the Canglang is turbid, and I can wash my feet." Confucius said: "Listen to me!" "It's enough to take care of yourself." "The wife will insult herself, and then others will insult her; the family will destroy herself, and then others will destroy it; the country will destroy itself, and then others will destroy it." "Taijia" said:' If God does evil, you can still violate it. If you do evil by yourself, you will not live. "
[1] 葑 (zāi): the same as "disaster".
[2] Zhuo (zhuó): wash. Tassel: A ribbon to tie a hat.
Mencius said: "Can we discuss with an unrighteous person? He regards danger as safety, disaster as advantage, and the destruction of the country as A kind of happiness. Unkind people can discuss with him, so why is there still a matter of subjugation? A child sang: "The water in Canglang is very clear and can wash my ribbon; the water in Canglang is very turbid." , you can only wash my feet.' Confucius said: 'Listen, students! Clear water can only wash your feet. This is caused by the water itself. Talents will come to insult him; his home will be destroyed first, and then others will destroy it; the country must destroy itself first, and then others will destroy it. "Taijia" says: "When disaster comes from heaven, you can still escape it; if you commit evil yourself, you can escape it." You can't survive. 'That's it."
People will insult you because they insult themselves. Similarly, it is because of internal problems of a family or a country that it attracts foreign aggression, causing the family to be destroyed and the country to be in turmoil. Therefore, in this chapter, Mencius advocates that people should respect themselves, families should be harmonious, and the country should strengthen itself. Only in this way can we gain blessings and avoid disasters.
Original text
Mencius said: "When Jie and Zhou lost the world, they also lost their people. Those who lost their people also lost their hearts. They gained the world. There is a way: if you win the people, you will win the world. If you win the people, you will win the world. If you win the people, you will win the people. If you win the people, you will win the people. Gui Ren is the same as the water flowing down and the beasts running away [2]. Therefore, those who drive fish from the deep are called otters; Zhou Ye. If there are benevolent kings in the world today, all the princes will be driven away by them. Even if they want to be kings, they have no choice but to be sick for three years. If you are not an animal, you will never be good. If you are not determined to be benevolent, you will suffer from humiliation all your life, and you will be trapped in death. "How can you be a good person?"
[1] Erye: That’s all.
[2]幹: Same as "kuang", wilderness.
[3]Jue: Same as "que".
[4] Zhān (zhān): a bird of prey that resembles a kite.
[5] Ai: Chen Ai is often used to treat diseases. The longer it is stored, the better the effect.
Mencius said: "The reason why Xia Jie and Shang Zhou lost the world was because they lost the people; they lost the people because they lost the people's support. There is a way to win the world. There is a way to win the people: if you win the people's hearts, you can win the people's hearts. There is also a way to win the people's hearts: give the people what they want, and don't give them what they hate. That's all. People tend to be benevolent and righteous, just like water flows downwards and wild animals move toward the wilderness. Therefore, those who chase fish into deep water are otters; those who chase birds from the woods are hawks; those who chase birds from the deep waters are hawks. It was Xia Jie and Shang Zhou who drove the people. But today, if there is a king who loves benevolence and righteousness, the princes will drive the people for him. Even if he has no desire to become the king, it is impossible for him to become the king now. People are like those who have been sick for seven years and get three years of wormwood. If they don't accumulate it in their daily lives, they will never get it in their lives. 'How can we do anything well, we have to drown together?'
This article. It tells the relationship between the survival of the country and the people. Mencius believed that winning or losing popular support was the key to the rise or fall of a country. If the people support it, the country will prosper; if the people disapprove, the country will soon perish. If a monarch wants to win the hearts and minds of the people, he must implement policies that are closely related to the people and share the joys and sorrows with the people. In addition, winning the hearts and minds of the people is not something that happens overnight, but requires accumulation over a long period of time. Otherwise, you will never get it in your lifetime.
Original text
Mencius said: "Those who abuse themselves[1] cannot be talked about; those who abandon themselves cannot be talked about. Words are not allowed. [2] Etiquette and righteousness are called self-destruction. I cannot live in benevolence, which is called self-abandonment. Benevolence is the way of a person's home; righteousness is the right way of a person. If you don't live in a deserted house, you will not follow the right path. "Ah!"
[1] Violence: damage, ruin.
[2] Non: slander.
Self-destruction. Not being able to live in justice is called self-abandonment. Benevolence is the safe house of mankind; righteousness is the right path of mankind. Leaving the comfortable house empty and not living in it, abandoning the bright road and not walking on it. How sad! ”
Benevolence is the home of the human heart, and only a heart of benevolence can make the heart peaceful; righteousness is the bright road of mankind, and only by making Only through righteous actions can you correct your behavior and perform specific good deeds.