This man is Ji Wang, a poet who has been waiting for nirvana in the fire for a long time. He is as clever as a fool, but he lives openly and freely. He has always been indifferent to the world and turned a blind eye to national affairs, but he has contributed a lot to Wang Jing's promotion. His brother, Liang Wang, has always been an emperor with a strong sense of power and doubt, so Ji Wang doesn't care about political affairs, only likes romantic things and listens to music. His lack of ambition protected him deeply, and Liang Wang trusted him. Regarding the choice of the prince, Liang Wang only asked his opinion and his words: benevolence, filial piety, honesty and courage! It can be described as a model of various governors! An appropriate sentence, just right, also makes the status of Prince Wang Jing logical and natural.
If Mei is the main planner of King Jing's accession to the throne, then the most important person must be King Qi. He doesn't like to stand out from the crowd and follow the trend. Everyone in the royal family thinks that he is neutral, but every time on the matter of Jing Wang, or on the way of the Red Flame Army's conviction, every step he takes is just right, neither early nor late, neither late nor slow. Under his impetus, everything went smoothly.
When all the dust fell to the ground, May Su Chang asked Ji Wang to thank him. Ji Wang said flatly, "Thank me for what?" I'm right about everything, not people. Even if I say it, it will be what I see. What can I thank? "This sentence, he will know the reasons for many things. He is not ignorant, but he is more aware of all disputes and understandings. When it comes to saving Tingsheng, the King of Qi even said with a free and easy face: Not to mention thanks, who is different from who? These details show Ji Wang's frankness, kindness and great wisdom.