As follows
Chapter 5:2 Elders are people with mature Christian character. The Holy Spirit gives them gifts so that they can lead the congregation spiritually. The principle of the New Testament is to appoint elders—not to appoint one elder to lead a church or a group of churches, but to have two or more elders in a group (Philippians 1:1). For the qualifications to be an elder, please refer to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. In the early church period, before the New Testament was written, elders were appointed by the apostles or their representatives; and a newly established church must go through a period of time to clearly prove who is qualified before appointing elders. Today, Christians are expected to recognize and listen to those who are qualified and carry out the duties of elders.
Shepherd the flock of God among you. The flock belongs to God, but the elders are given by God to serve as assistant shepherds. Not out of compulsion, but out of willingness. The work of caring for the flock cannot be forced upon people through voting or appointment. The Holy Spirit imparts burden and power, and elders must respond willingly. Therefore, 1 Timothy 3:1 says: “If anyone desires the office of overseer, he desires the work.” God gives people the conditions, but people must cooperate with them willingly.
It is not because of greed for money, but out of willingness. The motive for being an elder must not be to make money. This does not mean that elders cannot accept provision from the local church; 1 Timothy 5:17 and 18 indicate the existence of “full-time elders.” The idea here is that those who are truly engaged in the mission of Christ must not be mercenary.
Chapter 5:3 Peter’s third exhortation is this: Not to lord it over those entrusted to you, but to be examples to the flock. Elders should be role models for the flock, not dictators. They should go before the flock and lead, not drive from behind. They are not to treat the flock as if it were their own. This is just for autocratic and authoritarian leadership!
As long as everyone can follow the three instructions in verses 2 and 3, many errors in Christian circles can be avoided. The first instruction can remove all "reluctance", the second can eliminate the "profit-seeking" mentality, and the third can eliminate "bureaucracy" from the church.
Chapter 5:4 The work of an elder requires great physical and mental effort. He is to sympathize, counsel, rebuke, refute, teach, discipline, and warn. Sometimes, these efforts are not rewarded with appreciation and gratitude. However, God promises that faithful elders will receive special rewards. When the Chief Shepherd appears, he will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. Frankly speaking, we don’t know much about the various crowns promised in the Bible—including the crown of joy (1 Thessalonians 2:19), the crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8), and the crown of life (James 1:12; Revelation 2 10) And the crown of glory. We don’t know whether these crowns are physical objects that can be laid at the Savior’s feet; whether they refer to the authority given to us when Christ reigns (Luke 19:17-19); or whether they refer to the crowns that will remain until the end of time. Eternal Christian Virtues. However, we know that these crowns are more than enough to make up for all the tears, trials, and suffering experienced in this world.
The above is from Jonah’s Home Forum