In the year of WuChen in Guangdong, the moon was built, thieves moved to the country, and Jinling collapsed. Yu Nai fled to a deserted valley, wasting his time in public and private. Huayang ran for his life, and there was no return. Zhongxing road sales, poor in armor. I cried in the pavilion for three days, and I was imprisoned in another museum for three years. I am a star in heaven, and things are extremely contrary. Fu Xie is sad about his life and has nowhere to survive; Every time Yuan Anzhi read the royal family, he naturally shed tears. In the past, the ambition of Hengjun Mountain was Du Yuankai's life, and he wrote a book, which was salty and self-ordered. Pan Yuezhi's literary talent began to describe his family style; Lu Ji's ci fu came before Chen Shide. At the beginning of the new year, there are two hairs, that is, every time there is a funeral, it is a displacement, and as for the twilight teeth. Yan song is far away, and grief is not victorious; When Chu and Lao meet, where will they cry? Afraid of the rain in Nanshan, I suddenly practiced Qin Ting; Let the coast of the East China Sea eat Zhou Su. Wandering in the pavilion, Gao Qiao is on a journey. Chu songs are not fun, and Lu wines are not used to forget worries. Pursuing this fu, chatting to remember words, there are no words of danger and suffering, but only sadness.
the twilight is far away, and there is no life on earth. When the general left, the tree fell; The strong men don't return, and the cold wind is bleak. Jing bi's column is bullied by Liancheng; Carrying books in a horizontal order, holding a bead plate, Zhong Yi, a gentleman, entered the prison of Nanguan, a pedestrian in Ji Sun, and stayed at the Xihe Museum. The land of Shen Baoxu is broken first; Cai weigong's tears are exhausted, plus blood. Fishing platform moves willow, which is not the hope of jade pass; Huating crane, the river bridge can be heard!
Sun Ce regards the world as three points, and many talents are a brigade. Xiang Ji uses the children of Jiangdong to take advantage of the situation. Will it be 3 years before you show your arrogance? It is a disaster to know how to annex Liuhe; Mixing a load of books will save Pingyang. Whoo! The collapse of the mountains is not only a dangerous fate; In the spring and autumn iteration, there must be sorrow of going away. God's will, you can be sad and sad! The situation is poor, and Xinghan can't take it; The wind is raging and the road is blocked, and Penglai has no time to come. The poor want to live up to their words, and the laborers have to sing their stories. Liu Shiheng is willing to smell and clap his hands; Zhang Pingzi sees it and is ugly, so it is appropriate!