Listening and reading exercises
( 1) и-ки и-ке
и-ги и-ге
и-хи и-хе
ке-ки ки-ке
ке-ге ки-ги
ке-хе хе-хи
ки-хи хи-хе
(2) кино Cinema
химия chemistry
Russia, Russia
I have a guitar.
I have money.
по-руски in Russian.
Ⅱ. Voiceless and voiced consonants
Voiced consonants: When voiced consonants precede voiceless consonants, they should be pronounced as corresponding voiceless consonants.
For example: завтра-за (тра) Tomorrow.
I don't know. I don't know-I don't know (I know) I don't know.
Pronunciation: When a silent consonant is located before a voiced consonant, it should be read as the corresponding voiced consonant.
For example: утол-уу () ол football.
вокзл-во (гзал) station
But the unvoiced consonants before the five voiced consonants м, н, л, р and в are not voiced.
For example: слово-слово.
уаг-улаг flag
Ⅲ. Weakening of я and е without stress
The first syllable before stress is pronounced (и), and other unstressed syllables are pronounced short and weak (и).
For example: часы-чисы table.
Today's сегоня-с (ивоня).
I know. I know. I know. I know.-I know (I know) I know.
восем?-вос (и) м 1 1008.
I am человек-чиловек.
Ⅳ. The connection between prepositions and the latter.
Generally speaking, prepositions should be connected with the following words. Preposition usually has no stress, its vowels should be weakened, and its consonants should be silent or voiced.
For example: настоле is pronounced as (нъ )столе.
наулице is pronounced as (нъ )улице.
вшколе is pronounced as (школе).
упранения exercise.
1. Read the following words aloud. Please pay attention to the pronunciation of к, г and х.
языки (plural)
узики physicist (plural)
книга-книги (plural)
I am нога-ноги (plural)
рука-руки (plural)
сумка wallet-сумки (plural)
Success, achievement-успехи (plural)
2. Read the following words and fill in the pronunciation in the blank (please pay attention to the rules of voiced and unvoiced consonants).
скака-ска () ка story
юка-ю () ка skirt
завтра-за () тра tomorrow.
поез-пое () train
ууол-уу () ол football.
вокзал-во () зал railway station.
космос-ко () мос universe.
3. Read the following words aloud, paying attention to the weakening of unstressed syllables а, о, я and е.
I am етыр 10774.
I am the one who knows what to do.
I'm the one who wants to know.
I am the only one who can help you.
I am the only one who can help you.
Go to понеельник on Monday.
Lesson 10
Russian intonation (интонацияврусскомязы)
Intonation refers to the change of voice level, pitch fluctuation, strength and sound duration when speaking or reading aloud. The most commonly used modes are as follows:
I. Tone of I-mode declarative sentences (ик- 1)
Modal I is usually used in declarative sentences to indicate the end of semantics. The stressed syllable of the word that expresses the main meaning in the sentence is the intonation center, and Arabic numerals can be used to indicate the tone type and the position of the intonation center when setting the tone.
For example: тоантон
то Анна
то Анна и Антон ;