Translate an English poem simply and word for word.

Hello, it can be translated as: a small beach particle.

Small grains of sand on the beach.

Pebbles roll in my hands.

Pebbles are stuck in my pocket and put in my pocket.

Souvenirs are put in the souvenir box.

Small sun is big in blue, small sun is big in blue sky.

I used the granules you made. I made one.

Shining on my pebbles, the small grain radiates its due light.

At present, all I can get is that moment.

A baby screaming from the womb.

Nothing is big in this grave.

Laugh quietly now, and speak quietly now.

A dead end, a quiet dead end

The small world circle and the blue of the earth are closely connected with the blue of the earth.

Turn you into an eye in your simple eyes.

A house with a garden is suitable for everything, and everything is beautiful in the greenhouse.

Small arrows with feathers into space fly in the air like feathers.

Love will disappear from its place. Love will die soon.

The carpenter sealed the coffin he bought and collected dense materials (sealed coffin) under the carpenter's hand.

I'm ready for zero.

Small grains of sand are my words, and my breath says that small grains of sand are benefits.

A zero is my death. Zero is my death.

In 2007, Antje krogh & Andre Brink translated: 2007 Ant Jie krogh &; Andre Brink is from: Black Butterfly is from: Blue Butterfly.

Publisher: Man and Nature. Rousseau, Cape Town, 2007 Press: Cape Town, Rousseau and Man, 2007.

ISBN: 9780798 148924 ISBN: 9780798 148924.

Satisfied and quickly adopted, thank you for your cooperation!