How do you say the lines of the priest in the church when you get married?

With this hand, I will take away your sadness. Your cup will never be empty, because I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in the dark. With this ring, I ask you to do my line in the skeleton bride.

From today on, for better or worse, rich or poor, sick or healthy, love and cherish until death do us part. -Wedding vows in the church.

I promise we will have difficult times; I promise that at some point one or two of us will want to leave, but I also promise that if I don't ask you to be mine, I will regret it all my life, because I know that in my heart, you are the only one for me. -the heroine said when she proposed to the hero on the balcony of the hero's house.

I'm sure we'll have a bad time in the future.

I'm sure we'll quarrel in the future.

I believe one of us will want to break up in the future.

But I am also sure that if I don't propose to you, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Knock, knock, please look down.


The priest faces the newlyweds and congratulators, with the bride on his right and the groom on his left.

The wedding documents begin now ~ ~ ~

The priest faces the newlyweds and congratulators, with the bride on his right and the groom on his left.

Read out:

Lord, we come before you to witness and bless the men and women who have entered the sacred marriage hall. According to the Lord's will, they will be one, married for life, and will last forever. Since then, * * * likes to walk in heaven, love each other, help each other, teach each other and trust each other; Father blessed the camp gate; Bring both husband and wife into contact with Hong En; Holy spirit influence; Love the savior; Praise before the Lord all your life


At the end of the engagement, if there are any facts that hinder their marriage, please bring them up immediately or keep silent forever.

The priest went on to say, I command you to confess before the Lord any reason that prevents your union.

The priest said to the bride: (bride's name), do you want this man to be your husband and marry him? Love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him and be loyal to him until the end of your life, whether in sickness or health, or for other reasons?

The bride replied: I do.

The priest asked the groom again: (the groom's name), do you want this woman to be your wife and get engaged to her? Love her, take care of her, respect her, accept her, and be loyal to her forever until the end of your life, whether in sickness or health, or for other reasons?

The groom replied, I do.

The priest said to the people, are you all willing to testify for their wedding vows?

Everyone replied: Yes.


Father: Who married the bride to the groom?

Father of the bride: She married him voluntarily and got the blessing of her parents.

make a wish

The groom took her right hand and faced the bride and said,

In the name of God, I solemnly swear that I will accept you as my wife. From now on, I will love and cherish you, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, until I die.

They put their hands down. Then the bride raised the groom's hand:

In the name of God, I solemnly swear to accept you as my husband. From today on, I will love and cherish you, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, until I die.

They put their hands down. Blessing and exchanging wedding rings.

The priest prayed for God's blessing on the ring:

Lord, the ring will represent the binding force of their vows.

All: amen.

The groom put the ring on the ring finger of the bride's left hand and said:

I give you this ring as a symbol of love. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I give you everything.

The bride put the ring on the ring finger of the groom's left hand and said:

I give you this ring as a symbol of love. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I give you everything.

Then the priest took the bride and groom's right hand and said:

The bride and groom swore to each other and accepted the ring. I pronounce you husband and wife in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God has joined you together, and no one can separate you.

All: amen.

End prayer

The priest motioned people to stand up:

Let's stand up and pray with the words of the savior.

The priest motioned for everyone to sit down, the couple knelt down, the ceremony continued, and everyone sang a hymn together.

The priest blessed the couple:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bless you, bless you and give you Hong En; You will live and die with * * *, amen. My Lord Hong En is with you. The bride and groom stood face to face.

The priest said:

(bride's name), (groom's name), I witnessed you swearing in love, and I feel extremely happy to announce you as husband and wife to all of you present. Now the groom can kiss the bride.

Couple kissing ...


Groom ID, do you want to marry this woman, bride ID, as your lawful wedded wife, and live together in the marriage hall? Are you willing to love, respect and comfort her, whether she is sick or healthy, and give up everything and be loyal to her in your lifetime?


I, groom ID, take you, bride ID, as my lawfully wedded wife. From today on, whether in prosperity or adversity, rich or poor, in sickness or health, I will love and cherish you until death do us part.

When a Christian gets married, the priest will ask, "Would you like to spend your life with him or her?" ? No matter rich or poor, happy or miserable, it will never change? "