I really really really want to know what the lyrics of the old dance song Gam Gam mean!

The main idea of ??the lyrics:

Even if I step into

the valley shrouded in the shadow of death

I will not be afraid of any dangers ahead

Just because you are by my side

The rod and rod in your hand

have given me supreme comfort

Gam gam gam ki eleh

Be be Gey tzalmavet

Lo lo lo Eira Ra

Ki ata Imadi

Gam gam gam ki eleh

< p>Be be Gey tzalmavet

Lo lo lo Eira Ra

Ki ata Imadi

Gam gam gam ki eleh

Be be Gey tzalmavet

Lo lo lo Eira Ra

Ki ata Imadi

Gam gam gam ki eleh

Be be Gey tzalmavet

Lo lo lo Eira Ra

Ki ata Imadi

Shivteha umishanteha

Hema yi nahamuni

Gam gam gam ki eleh< /p>

Be be Gey tzalmavet

Lo lo lo Eira Ra

Ki ata Imadi

Shivteha umishanteha

Hema yi nahamuni

Extended information The lyrics are in Hebrew and originate from verse 4 of the 23rd Psalm, the most widely circulated book in the Bible. The most classic version comes from the 1993 anti-Nazi film "Living in" "Jonah in the Whale", composed by Italian film score master Ennio Morricone.

The "Bible Old Testament" ("Tanakh") is actually an encyclopedia about the early life of the Jews. It completely displays the development history of the Jewish nation and vividly and vividly reproduces The broad life picture of the Jewish people records in detail their outstanding achievements in various fields, profoundly reflects their moral outlook and values, and provides rich and precious historical materials for the understanding and research of ancient Jewish society.

The "Bible Old Testament" is also a literary masterpiece. It uses almost all forms of literary creation, such as: myths, legends, novels, fables, dramas, prose, poetry, proverbs, aphorisms, and He created original prophetic literature and apocalyptic literature, and made unique contributions to the flourishing world literature. It is worth noting that in the Old Testament of the Bible, the history of the Jewish exile is a recurring theme.

The narrative of the "Bible Old Testament" emphasizes that whenever the Jews deviate from God's commandments, they will anger God and be driven out of their spiritual home time and time again, leaving them homeless.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Bible·Old Testament