Shen Yue, a poet from the Qi and Liang Dynasties, and Xue Deyin, a poet from the Sui Dynasty, both wrote a poem "Mourning for the Death", both of which mourned the death of their wives. Liang Jiangyan has ten "Mourning Room Man", which is also a mourning work. ?
After the Tang Dynasty, most mourning poems were not titled "Mourning". Generally speaking, mourning poems are far less than mourning poems, because mourning poems are, after all, lyrical works improvised by poets (ci), and few wives die before poets (ci). In addition, the love between husband and wife is the most precious and secret feeling in the world, and ancient China poets still lack the habit and courage to declare this feeling in their poems.
Among the poets, Yuan Zhen and Li Shangyin in the Tang Dynasty are the most famous, especially Yuan Zhen, who has three or seven laws, five poems by Li Si, eight poems by Liu Chun and sixteen mourning poems.
Among the poets, Su Shi in Song Dynasty and Nalan Xingde in Qing Dynasty are the most famous, especially Nalan Xingde. There are as many as five or six words marked in the title, such as "mourning for the dead", "dreaming of the dead", "death day of the dead" and "death day of the dead", while other untitled words that may involve mourning are far more than this number.
Mourning poems lie in the sincerity of feelings, not in the literal unforgettable. Su Shi's "Ten years of life and death are boundless, and I can't forget it" in Jiangchengzi was recited because of this.
Moreover, because the mourning poem mourns the wife who shared a room with the poet (Ci) for a long time, it is written in a more intimate way, extracting many trivial matters of her life before her death and comparing them with what happened after her death to express her feelings. The reason why Yuan Zhen's mourning poems are discussed more is related to that his wife Wei Cong not only loved her husband, but also was willing to be poor and noble, so Yuan Zhen was like this.
"This is a tragedy that all mankind must know, but it is not as people who have been poor together know" (Part II of Mourning) and "Once the sea is difficult for water, it will always be amber" (Part IV of Leaving Thoughts). These comparable and controversial sentences have also become popular.
Jiangchengzi sushi
Ten years of life and death are two boundless, disapproving and unforgettable. A lonely grave thousands of miles away, desolate and nowhere to talk about. Even if we don't know each other, our faces are dusty and our temples are frosty.
At night, I suddenly dreamed of going home, and the window of Xiao Xuan was being decorated. Care for each other without words, only tears thousands of lines are expected to break the heart, and the moon and night are short and loose.
This word was written by Su Shi in memory of his dead wife Wang Fu.
Dear, you can modify it a little ~