The sound of the stream is played one by one, and the flute is green, stroking Bian Jiang; Children die, Spring Breeze people play with Iraqis. The rouge powder is indifferent, and the sleeping girl is not awake; Wash Nong and love bamboo branches and leaves. Singing and laughing, the soul is lingering and sprinkling wine; If you regret it, forgive others. Slender and dripping, the breeze has passed the smog; Yi Yi is deeply in love, and the piano breaks tears and swallows. I have been watching Haitang for several years, and I have forgotten when the grievances were reported; Green bamboo hat, secretly crossing Chen Cang, no longer showing off but smiling.
The surging trend of thought makes it difficult for poetry to meet the urgency of understanding the heart; I can really see Pingping, the bird does not disturb the charming eyes, and his wings are in a trance: this bird is a bird in a tent, it is a house, and it is looking for a house together; The monarch is given priority to, treating birds like friends, and there is no need for him to repay others in the near future. Bird's love, you do your best, bird's evil, you get up and call away.
Nong expressed his heart with this thing: "All the dust is warm. Who dares to say that everything is desolate and nobody cares about me, so I can be annoyed and angry?"