We have morning and evening every day. When they met in the morning, the two sides exchanged greetings: "Good morning!" "Walking at night, touching my head and saying," Good evening! ".In Chinese, it's too simple. What if it is French? It's okay anyway. Say the French words "matin" and "soir" first. Don't think it's complicated, but it's actually "good night" and "good night". But they can also form some words and phrases. The following is the French grammar knowledge of the usage of "matin" and "soir" that I brought to you. Welcome to reading.
I "matin" is interpreted as "le début du jour" in French, but it can also be formed.
Various Chinese explanations:
1. Morning:
Example of "Little Morning News":
The small village is calm again. In the early morning, the village is still silent.
De bang (grand) morning morning:
It's a beautiful morning. The car left early in the morning.
Etre du matin likes to get up early:
The child is in the morning. The child likes to get up early.
Au morning example:
I don't like parties They set out early in the morning.
Du matin au soir from morning till night, all day, (turn) non-stop example:
The station at dawn night. The clock at the station has been running.
2. In the morning, for example:
In the morning, I eat Chinese food in the garden.
I beat Tai Ji Chuan in the garden every morning.
Don't work tomorrow morning.
Don't have to work tomorrow morning.
Tous les dimanches dawn; I go to the library.
Every Sunday morning, I go to the library.
3. The first half of the day (from midnight to noon), such as:
Two days at two o'clock in the morning:
Sonami, we arrived today. His friend will arrive at two in the morning.
4. Start (used in poetry), such as:
Youth Life Morning News:
Morning in Jamaica. Youth lasts forever.
5. Used as adverbs, such as:
He is used to getting up in the morning. He gets up early as usual.
2. The interpretation of "soir" in French is "la fin du jour", which can be interpreted as:
1. Evening, dusk, dusk, dusk, night, and so on. For example:
An example of a night:
Good evening to you. I'll come to your house one night.
Last night's party:
Where are you going to stay tonight? Did he go home on time last night?
Le quinze au soir 15th night example:
The moon is the most beautiful place at night. The moon is the most beautiful on the fifteenth night.
There is the same party every Saturday night:
Everyone is in the same night; I like China. I go to the movies every Saturday night.
From morning till night:
Work during the day and work at night; But he is not beautiful.
He works from morning till night, but his income is not much.
Le soir in the evening (used as an adverbial of time):
I am in the city at night. He goes to town at night.
Evening news:
Are you with her? Are you a reporter tonight?
Have you received today's evening paper?
Examples of evening TV news in TV Evening News:
Did you see the new inside story in the Evening News?
Is there anything interesting in the TV news at night?
A party. See you tonight (dating language)
In the case of dusk:
Mount Montagne is not a mountain, but tomorrow.
When night falls, the mountains can't be seen clearly from a distance.
Life in later years (written language):
He wants his mother on the night of his life.
I wish his mother happiness in her later years.
2. In the afternoon, for example:
Today is four o'clock. He will come at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Expand reading; A glossary of French grammar terms
The main parts of speech in French
Common nouns in Lenom commune
proper noun
Personal pronouns of Le pronom personnel
personal pronoun
Le pronom tonique emphasizes personal pronouns.
Demonstrative adjective
L' adjective possessive case if has adjectives.
L'adjectif indéfini refers to adjectives in general.
Articles, articles
indefinite article
definite article
Some clauses of l 'article partitif
Verb Le verbe
Le verbe transitive verb
Indirect indirect transitive verb
Verb le verbe pronoun (or pronoun verb, reflexive verb)
The main components of a sentence
Le sujet theme
Direct object complement
Indirect object complement
Complete adverbial
Main tenses and modality
Six modes of French: six modes of French
Express direct expression
compulsory execution
Infinite infinitive
Virtual form
Conditional expression
Tenses in French Time
Present tense
I'm impressed that de l 'indicatif didn't complete the past tense.
In the recent past
Compound past tense
Simple past tense
Past tense in past tense
Past tense of le plus-que-parfait de l 'indicatif
When the captain left first,
The future in the past future tense.
The future tense in the past past future tense.
The future process in the past future tense.
Le future proche recent future tense
Simple future tense
Le future antérier first future tense
Virtual present tense
Virtual past tense
Le subordinate imperfect virtual unfinished past tense
Le virtual if plus-que-parfait virtual tense is the past tense.
Le conditionnel present condition present tense
Conditional past tense