The spring of the Year of the Ox started well. When I arrived in early spring, the temperature soared and it seemed like summer. After a while, it was like riding a roller coaster, and I fell to the bottom of the valley, which seemed to be less than my depth.
For the winter in the north, people are used to the cold, so they don't cut clothes easily, just add clothes to keep out the cold. The temperature rises slightly in spring, and when it gets hot, I want to cut down on clothes. The weather changed again before I really got used to it. Even three times a day, this is the taste of spring. If it cannot be adjusted in time, it will cause physical discomfort and diseases, colds, gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms. The old ancestors have summed up the experience of "covering the spring and freezing the winter", which is really good and worth emulating.
In fact, winter has its own taste of winter, and spring also has the taste of spring. It's just that we come to different conclusions from different angles.
As far as the temperature in the northern hinterland of Lanzhou is concerned, spring is indeed changeable, and the outdoor temperature is very unstable. In addition to the large temperature difference between day and night, there are also extreme weather such as cold current, late spring cold and sandstorm, so the weather is hot and cold, uneven and changeable. This may be the unique appearance of spring, and there must be scenery on the road in summer.
If the temperature is really normal, it will recover slowly and calmly after May Day. At this time, it has also entered the early summer season. Whether you go out to play in the open air or sit there drinking tea and chatting, you won't feel cold. So the best weather in Lanzhou is from May to1mid-October, about 5 months. Especially in summer, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. When the heat in the south is unbearable, Lanzhou is very comfortable, just like a natural air conditioner. The air is fresh, the temperature is just right, the food is delicious and the life is comfortable. It can be called a summer resort.
Summer and autumn are also the most comfortable and beautiful seasons in Lanzhou. At this time, traveling here, I decided to be glad you came.