Liang Qichao said, "If you want to prosper a country's people, you should prosper a country's novels first." Talk about this sentence. It's an essay question. Can you provide a detailed reference answ

Liang Qichao said, "If you want to prosper a country's people, you should prosper a country's novels first." Talk about this sentence. It's an essay question. Can you provide a detailed reference answer? Confucius said: "There is nothing to say without learning poetry", which shows that in ancient China, especially in the pre-Qin era, poetry was an effective way for people to talk to each other and spread information, and poetry and media were integrated. Confucius used the Book of Songs as a teaching material to educate his students to learn to read, reason, appreciate beauty and communicate. Poetry is "singing" and easy to spread effectively. Later, novels flourished in the Ming Dynasty, which made the publishing industry, publishers and cultural consumption have a relationship. Liang Qichao once said, "If you want to prosper a country's people, you should prosper a country's novels first" and regard novels as the most effective media. Now that there is television and the Internet, there is no doubt that the functions of poetry, including literary and artistic functions, have retreated to a relatively marginal position.