Bill is going to visit Wang Dawei in Chongqing. Before leaving the United States, Bill tried to understand the food in China and the way of doing things in China. He wants to be polite. He learned that most people in China take off their shoes before eating and drinking tea. Bill even learned to use chopsticks.
At the same time, Wang Dawei learned about American food and American way of doing things. He wanted to be friendly. When Bill came to the Wangs, David told him to put on his shoes. Later, they went out to eat. They eat pizza and drink coke. In the next few days, they had breakfast in a coffee shop and hamburgers in a fast food restaurant.
At the same time, Wang Dawei learned about American food and American way of doing things. He wants to receive the guests in a friendly way. When Bill came to the Wangs, David told him to put on his shoes and go straight into the room. Later, they went out to eat. They eat pizza and drink coke. In the next few days, they had breakfast in a coffee shop and hamburgers in a fast food restaurant.
On his way back to America, Bill wondered why he never ate rice, tea or chopsticks. He never takes off his shoes when he goes to Wang's house. He thinks that living in China is just like living in the United States.
On his way back to America, Bill wondered why he didn't eat rice, tea or chopsticks. He never takes off his shoes when he goes to Wang's house. He thinks that living in China is just like living in the United States.