Hebrews belong to the ancient northern Semitic people and are the ancestors of Jews. Historians use the word "Hebrew" to refer to the descendants of the patriarchs in the Old Testament (such as Abraham and Isaac). ), from the time when the ancestors lived until the end of 2000 BC when they conquered Canaan (present-day Palestine). From then on, these people were called Israelis until the end of the 6th century, when they returned to Canaan in exile from Babylon. Since then, this nation has been called Jews.
In the Old Testament, it is said that the ancestor Abraham was at the same time as Ivri. In Hebrew, the word ivri refers to the Hebrews, and its plural form is ivrim or ibrim. However, in the Old Testament, the name Hebrew was almost always called Israel by other peoples, not the Hebrews themselves. For this reason, the origin of the title Hebrew itself is not easy to determine. The Hebrew word may also come from Hebrew eber or ever, which means "on the other hand". I think it still refers to Abraham, because he entered Canaan from the "other side" of the Euphrates River or the Jordan River. The name "Hebrew" can also be associated with the semi-nomadic Habiru. According to the ancient Egyptian inscriptions of 13 and 12 centuries, the Habirus once settled in Egypt.
Hebrews call themselves Israelis. They established a kingdom in 1 1 century BC. The first king was Saul, the second king was David, and the third king Solomon was at the peak of his reign, showing unprecedented prosperity. After his death, King Solomon split into two countries, Israel and Judah.
Do you know the origin of "Israel"? This has to start with the ancient Hebrews. According to the Bible, the Abraham family, the ancestor of the Hebrews, originated in Sumer. They are a branch of Semitic language family. They first appeared in Mesopotamia.
Hebrews used to be nomadic people. From 1900 BC to 1500 BC, they gradually migrated from Mesopotamia to Syria and then to Egypt. During these hundreds of years, a Hebrew tribe claiming to be the descendant of Jacob, Abraham's grandson, began to call itself "Israel" by Jacob's alias. According to the records in the Century, after fighting with angels all night, Jacob got the title of "Israel", which means "warrior of God". This story is recorded in the Bible: the angel said to the Hebrews, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have overcome God and man.
During the 300 years of living in Egypt, it happened that the pharaohs of the new kingdom sought an unprecedented number of slaves to maintain the operation of the domestic economy, and the Hebrews were enslaved.
At that time, about 1250 BC, the Hebrews finally found a leader, the hero Moses, who led them out of the bondage of Egypt and left Egypt for Sinai Peninsula (a desert between Egypt and Canaan), and persuaded them to worship Jehovah, whose name was later written as Jehovah.
It was also at that time that all the Hebrews became Israelites, because they were persuaded by Moses that the Lord was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and as a result, the God of Israel became the god worshipped by their whole nation.
The Hebrews wandered around desert of sinai for about a generation, and then they decided to move back to the much richer land of Canaan. Compared with the arid desert of sinai, Canaan is really rich. In their view, this is a place where milk and honey flow.
However, this migration is not a simple relocation and settlement, because Canaan has been occupied by another Semitic Canaanite who is unwilling to share their land with the Hebrews. So the Hebrews had to resort to force, which proved to be slow and full of hardships.
Joshua, the successor of Moses, did capture part of Canaan, but the harvest was not too great, because the nomadic Israelis were poorly equipped and could not conquer the fortified cities of Canaan with siege tactics. In addition, after Joshua's death, Israeli ministries focused on their own affairs and could not take unified military action, so the work of attacking cities and plundering land made even less progress.
As a result, after a century of war, the Israelis only got some hilly areas and a few less fertile valleys in Canaan. Around 1025 BC, a tribal judge named Samuel won the support of all tribes in Israel with his personality strength. He chose a Saul from all the Israelites, and he later made the Hebrews a unified country.
The ancient name of "Jew". It belongs to a Semitic people. He entered Palestine in the second half of 2 1 century BC. After that, two major tribes, Israel and Judaism, were formed. 1000 years ago, David established a unified Jewish kingdom of Israel. King Solomon was the most powerful man during his reign (960- 922 BC). In 935 BC it was divided into the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judea. Before 72 1, the kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire. In 586 BC, the Jewish kingdom was destroyed by the Kingdom of Chaldea. From 63 BC, both were incorporated into Rome. 1-2 century, during the reign of the Roman Empire, most of them were driven out of their homes and scattered around the world.
Give a brief introduction, I hope it will help you.