Questions and Answers Based on Honesty-Draft-Draft-Draft

1. How did God come? If there is a God in nature, why can't there be a universe in nature?

2. The Bible says that God created Adam and Eve, not others. Who did Adam's son marry? In the sixth chapter of Genesis, there are two differences between God's children and human children. Explain that there were other natural people when God created Adam?

God can predict the future. He knew for a long time that Adam and Eve would commit crimes and the struggle between Esau and Jacob. Then doesn't God know that we need to work hard to be enriched, and we will continue to sin and seek salvation? What is this for? God has given us free will, but he has long known that people will commit crimes. Isn't it torture to make people like this? Some people don't believe in God until they die. Does God know about this? Isn't the God who created mankind the cause of this situation? Just as we don't discipline our children well, do we blame them?

Looking at the basis of faith, the first lecture: God is not our servant. He doesn't come when he is needed. He is our master. He has his plan. The subtle proof of the universe is that there is a creator. God came to people through Israel.

The second lecture is about what is sin: sin is defined according to biblical standards.

What is salvation? How to restore the relationship with God? God let his only son Jesus die as a sinner, and we can be saved. As long as we don't exchange acceptance, we can be saved. God didn't make dolls, but let us have free will, let us experience a life process, see the beauty of redemption and accept it. How do you know if you are saved? Admit it.

God lets people learn from the wrong choices, and people respond to God's love with the right choices. That's God's most beautiful leader.

Why is God's righteousness and love not universal? If the bad guys forgive together, heaven will become the same earth. God wants people to go to the right place. Christians will not be free from suffering, but they will be better than suffering.

Post-holiday syndrome: addicted to TV series, life without love, poor performance. I told God I didn't do anything criminal. I don't need to pray with you every day, nor do I need to catch you every day. You'll keep me, too. Let me live freely for a few days (that is, indulge in TV dramas), and then I thought of the faith foundation I saw the other day. Pastor Kou said: Many people come to accompany me on Sundays and take me away after releasing their emotions. God wants us to change, not just trust him.

Sanctification and victory: Sanctification has a mission, and sanctification means living a different life in the grace of God. Salvation and victory go hand in hand. The gift of the Holy Spirit is to live a victorious self, live a different life every day and become a new person.