★ Encourage Learning and Xunzi
Mr. Wang said: I can't learn.
Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice, water, but colder than water. Wood is straight in the rope, not a wheel, and its curve is in the gauge. Although there is a crisis, those who stop coming forward will make it happen. Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp, the gentleman is knowledgeable, and he saves himself every day, so he knows clearly without fault.
Think all day long, it is better to learn it in a moment; I've tasted it and I'm looking forward to it. Let's go hiking. Climb a trick, the arm does not lengthen, but the person you see is far away; Call with the wind, the sound does not add disease, but the listener is obvious. Those who cheat horses are not good enough, but cause thousands of miles; A man who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. The life of a gentleman is the same, and the goodness lies in personal leave.
Accumulated soil becomes mountains, and the wind and rain are prosperous; The water drops merged into the ocean and the dragon was born; Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be a river. Leap, not ten steps; This is a great contribution to the success of Ma Xu. Perseverance, rotten wood can't be carved; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms do not have the advantages of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They eat the earth and drink the yellow land with their hearts. The crab kneels six times and pinches twice. It's not that the snake hole has no sustenance, it's also impetuous.
★ On Jia Yi in Qin Dynasty
When Emperor Fen VI was fierce, he made a long-term plan to conquer the palace, swallowed the princes who died within two weeks, followed the supreme rule, and made Liuhe, whipping the world by beating and shocking the world. Take the land of Baiyue in the south as Guilin and Xiang Jun; Baiyue Wang bowed his head and tightened his neck, appointing officials. Is to let Meng Tian build the Great Wall in the north and keep the fence. The Huns are only more than 700 miles away; The conference semifinals dare not go south to herd horses, and the scholars dare not bow to their knees. So let's abolish Wang Zhidao and burn the words of a hundred schools of thought. Famous city, killing heroes; Take the soldiers of the world, gather in Xianyang, sell dysprosium, and cast them into twelve gold people to weaken the people of the world. Then, Jianhua will become a city, because the river is a pool. According to the city of 100 million feet, it will be strong because of the unexpected abyss. A good general will guard the key points with a strong crossbow, and a loyal minister will be Chen Libing. The world is set, and the emperor's heart begins, thinking that Guanzhong is solid, Jincheng is thousands of miles away, and the descendants of the emperor will always have a career.
I have been shocked by this unusual custom since the first emperor died. However, Chen She's son, the son of rope pivot, is a self-protection official, and immigrants also; Talents are not as good as Chinese people, not as good as the wealth of sages in Mo Zhai, Zhong Ni, Tao Zhu and Yi Dun; Wandering among the ranks, squatting in the hustle and bustle, the rate of exhaustion of soldiers, hundreds of people, turned to attack Qin; Chop firewood for soldiers, uncover poles for flags, and the world will gather to respond, and seize grain with the scenery. Shandong Haojun rose together and Qin family died.
Moreover, the world is not small and weak, and Yongzhou is solid and self-sufficient. Chen She's position is not respected by Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Song, Wei and Zhongshan. Thorns are hoed, not long shovels of hooks; The people stationed in the garrison are not resistant to the division of the nine countries; Visionary, marching with troops, not for the people of the times. However, there are differences between success and failure, and vice versa. Try to make Lu and Chen She bigger and bigger, and we can't talk about it in the same year. Qin, however, is a mere place, but it has become a thousand times more powerful, with eight countries in the same column, which has been more than a hundred years. Then take Liuhe as home and faith as palace; Water under the bridge, but difficult to be alone. Benevolence and kindness are not applied, and the tendency to attack and defend is different.
★ "Zou Ji satirizes Wang Qike to teach" and "Warring States Policy"
Zou Ji is about 54 inches long and has a beautiful image. Wearing a robe, he peeped in the mirror and said to his wife, "Who am I, Xu Hongmei from the north of the city?" His wife said, "Jun is very beautiful. What is the ratio between the public and the monarch? " Xugong in the north of the city is the most beautiful man in Qi State. Unable to avoid self-confidence, she asked my concubine, "Who am I and Xu Hongmei?" My concubine said: How can you be a gentleman? On Sunday, the guest came from outside to chat with him and asked him, "Which is more beautiful, Xugong or me?" The guest said, "Xu Gong is not as beautiful as you." Xu Gong will come tomorrow, who will see it and feel inferior; Look at yourself in the mirror, as far as the horizon. Think about it at dusk and say, "My wife is beautiful and I am private; The beauty of my concubine is afraid of me; The beauty of the guest is me, I want my things. "
So he went to the court to see the king and said, "I sincerely know that Xu Hongmei is not as good as Xu Hongmei. My wife is a private minister, my concubine is afraid of me, and everything my guests want is more beautiful than Xu Gong. Today, the land is thousands of miles away and there are 120 cities. The ladies-in-waiting revolve around the king, and the courtiers are not afraid of the king. They all want the king within the four borders. From this point of view, the cover of the king is very embarrassing! "
The king said, "Good." Ordered that "officials and officials who can stab my face will be rewarded; There will be a reward for those who write and exhort me; Those who can slander the city and hear my ears will be rewarded. "At the beginning of the order, the ministers remonstrated and the door was crowded; After a few months, from time to time; Years later, although I wanted to talk, I couldn't get in.
Yan, Zhao, Han and Wei are all Qi people. This is the imperial court, and there is no need to use war to defeat the enemy.
★ "Return to Xi Ci" Tao Yuanming
If you come back, the countryside will be destroyed, Hu Bugui? Since the heart is the form of service, I am melancholy and sad alone! People who can catch up without admonishing the past; Not far from being lost, I feel that today is not yesterday.
The ship is far away and the wind is blowing. Asking for directions, ex-husband, hate dawn. It looks forward to Yu Heng and runs with joy. Servants are welcome and children are waiting for the door. The three paths are barren, and the pine chrysanthemum still exists. Bring children into the room, there will be wine bottles. Lead the pot to think for yourself and make the court happy. Leaning against the south window to send lofty sentiments, judge your knees to be comfortable. Garden Day includes fun, although the door is fixed and often closed. Help the old man to rest, and correct his head if he goes far. Clouds come out of holes unintentionally, and birds don't know when to fly. The scenery drifted in, caressing loneliness and lingering. Go back and forth, please rest and give me a farewell trip. The world is against me, what can I ask for? Please love words from relatives, play music and read books to eliminate worries. The farmer told Yu Yichun that he wanted to do something with Xichou. Or a towel cart, or a boat This is not only a gentle and elegant road to find ravines, but also a rugged road through hills. Wood is thriving and spring is blooming. When everything is fine, I feel that my journey of life is over.
I don't hold grudges anymore! How long will you live in the apartment? What does Hu Wei want? Wealth is not my wish, and the emperor's hometown cannot be expected. When you are pregnant, you can go alone or plant a stick. Deng and He Lin wrote poems together. Chatting until the end, Loew's fate is ridiculous!
★ "Shi Shuo" Han Yu
Ancient scholars must have teachers. Teacher, so preach and teach to solve doubts. People are not born knowing, who can have no doubt? If you are confused and don't follow the teacher, you will be confused and you will never understand. Before I was born, I studied Tao before I was born, so I learned from Tao. After I was born, I studied Taoism first, so I studied Taoism. I am a teacher, and I don't know that years were born in me. Therefore, there is no nobility, no inferiority, no length, no shortage, and the existence of Tao and the existence of teachers.
Ha ha! It's been a long time since the teacher passed on the Tao! It's hard to be confused! The ancient sages are far away, and they are still in the teacher's question; Today's people are far from saints, and they are ashamed to learn from their teachers. So saints are good for saints, and fools are good for fools. What makes saints holy and fools stupid? Love his son, choose a teacher and teach him; If you are in your body, you will feel ashamed and confused. The boy's teacher, the sentence of teaching and learning books, is not the person I am talking about telling his story and solving his confusion. I don't know, I don't understand, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Witch doctors and musicians are skilled workers, and they are not ashamed to learn from each other. Family members of the scholar-officials all said that they were disciples of Teachers' Day and got together to talk and laugh. When asked, he said, "He is almost the same as that year, and in the same way. His humble position is full of shame, and his official position is close to admiration. " Oh! Obviously, the teacher's path has gone. Witch doctors are highly skilled musicians, and gentlemen disdain them. Today, his wisdom is out of reach, strange and embarrassing!
Saint impermanence teacher. Confucius studied under Tan Zi, Changhong, Shi Xiang and Lao Dan. Scorpions' disciples are not as clever as Confucius. Confucius said: If there are three people, there must be a teacher. So disciples don't have to be inferior to teachers, and teachers don't have to be superior to disciples. They have a good understanding of Taoism and specialize in their skills. That's all.
Seventeen-year-old Li is good at ancient prose and knows all six arts. He has unlimited time to learn from Yu Yu. Yu Jiaqi can follow the ancient road and write Shi Shuo to make it last forever.
★ "Epang Palace Fu" Du Mu
After the completion of the six kings, the four seas are one, Shushan is upright, and Afang is out. Overpressure exceeds 300 miles, isolated from the sun. Mount Li is built in the north and folded in the west, leading directly to Xianyang. Erchuan dissolves and flows into the palace wall. Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to a pavilion; Corridor waist back, eaves high; Hold the terrain, intrigue. There are thousands of waves in the hive. What is a cloudless dragon lying on a long bridge? After the road is empty, don't blame Eric? High and low, I don't know the west and the east. Singing warm, spring is harmonious; Ballroom cold sleeves, wind and rain sad. Within a day, the climate is uneven between palaces.
The concubine, the prince and the grandson resigned from the downstairs hall and came to Qin. Singing at night, for Qin citizens. The stars are shining and the cosmetic mirror is on; Lv Yun came forward and combed Xiao Huan; Nutrient flow is greasy, and fat water is abandoned; The smoke is foggy and the pepper orchids are also burning. The thunder shook and the palace car passed;
I don't know what I was doing when I was listening in the distance. A muscle, a capacity, extremely beautiful, standing overlooking, a face of good luck; There are still 36 years to hide. Zhao Yanzhi's collection, the rule of Han and Wei dynasties, the elite of Qi and Chu, plundered by generations, surrounded by mountains and waters; Once you can't get it, you lose it. Tinkling jade, gold nuggets and pebbles are thrown away and smashed, and Qin people regard them as the standard and do not cherish them.
Ha ha! One person's heart, ten thousand people's heart. Qin loves luxury and people are homesick. How can we use it like sand? Make the columns of negative buildings more than the farmers of nanmu; There are more rafters on the beam than working women on the plane; The phosphorus in onion is more than that in millet. The joints of ceramic tiles are uneven, more than the whole body silk; There are more vertical columns and cross sills than nine battlements; The orchestra's strings are hoarse, and they talk more than the city people. Let people all over the world dare not speak or get angry. The single husband's heart is getting more and more arrogant. The defenders shouted, the valley of letters closed, the Chu people burned, and the poor were scorched!
Oh! Those who destroy the six countries are also six countries, not Qin; Qin is also a Qin family, not the world. Hey, honey! Make the six countries love each other, enough to refuse Qin; Let the state of Qin love the six countries again, and give it to three generations to be king forever. Who wins and who dies? Qin people feel sorry for themselves, and later people mourn for them; Later generations grieved, failed to learn from it, and let future generations mourn for future generations.
★ "Six Kingdoms" Su Xun
The downfall of the six countries was not bad for soldiers, but bad for war and Qin. If you are guilty of Qin, you will lose your vitality, and you will be defeated. Or: the six countries mourn each other and lead the way to Qin Ye? Say: those who don't pay bribes will be lost. Gai lost his strong support and couldn't finish it alone. So the drawback lies in the bribery of Qin.
In addition to capturing Qin, the small ones captured the city and the big ones captured the city. Compared with the income of the Qin dynasty, it is actually one hundred times more than the people who won the battle; In fact, the death of princes is a hundred times that of the defeated. Then the great desire of the Qin dynasty, the great misfortune of the princes, is not in war. Think of my grandfather, dew cream dew, cut thorns to make room. Children and grandchildren don't cherish it very much, and giving it to others is like throwing away dirt. Cut five cities today, ten cities tomorrow, and then sleep for one night. Looking around, the pool is coming again. However, the vassal's land is limited, and the desire to storm Qin is insatiable. The more complicated it is, the more urgent it is. Therefore, the victory or defeat of the enemy without fighting has already decided the outcome. As for subversion, what is reasonable is reasonable. The ancients said: "Serving Qin with the earth is more like carrying firewood to put out the fire. The salary is endless and the fire will not go out." This statement is correct.
Qi people didn't blame Qin, and finally the five countries moved out. What a pity! And won without helping the five countries. Since the five countries fell, they must be together. The Prince of Yan, from the beginning, stayed away, kept his land, and was not loyal to Qin. Therefore, although Yan was a small country and then died, it was also effective to use troops. For Dan, with Jing Qing as the plan, the disaster started soon. Zhao tasted five battles in Qin, two defeats and three wins. After the Qin Dynasty, Zhao was attacked again, but Li Mulian did it. Mu Mu was slandered and punished, Handan was the county, but there was no end to fighting, which was regrettable. When Zhao Yan's Qin Dynasty was completely destroyed, it could be said that it was a desperate situation, and it was a last resort to die in defeat. In order to make the Three Kingdoms love their places, Qi people should not be attached to Qin, assassins should not, and good generals should still be there, so the number of victories and defeats and the principle of survival are not easy to measure compared with Qin.
Oh! I bribed the state of Qin to seal the princes of the world, served the wizards of the world with the heart of Qin, and strived to go west. I'm afraid the people of Qin couldn't eat any more. Sad husband! With this trend, it was robbed by the power accumulated by the Qin people, and the moon was lacking day by day, in order to tend to extinction. People who serve the country are robbed by accumulated power!
Husband and Qin were vassals, weaker than Qin, but there was still a tendency to win without taking bribes. The story that the world is big and the six countries are broken is that it is under the six countries again.
★ "You Bao Chan" Wang Anshi
It is flat and open below, with springs coming out from the side and many tourists, which is the so-called thousand caves. There is a cave five or six miles away from the mountain, which is very cold. If you ask him deeply, his good doers cannot be poor. Yu and four people embraced the fire and entered. The deeper they go, the harder it is to get in, and the weirder it is. Lazy people who want to go out say, "If you don't go out, the fire will be consumed." So I said it. Gaiyu's journey is not eleven times better than that of a good traveler, but according to it, fewer people come to remember it. The deeper you cover it, the less it will be. When the time is right, the fire is bright. If I come out, I may blame the person who came up with it, but I'm also sorry that it won't be very enjoyable.
So I have a sigh. The ancients' views on heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, vegetation, insects, fish, birds and animals often gained something, and they sought the depth of thinking without exception. Husband and wife have many tourists; The risks are far away, but the risks are few. However, the outlandish, magnificent and transcendent world outlook often lies in the distance, but what people lack is difficulty, so where there is a will, there is a way. If you are ambitious, you can't stop, but if you don't have enough strength, you can't get there. Have ambition and strength, but don't be lazy. As for darkness and confusion, nothing can match it, nor can it be realized. However, the strength is enough, people can laugh at it, but they have regrets; Those who can't do what I want can have no regrets, so who can laugh at them? So is the rest of the income.
★ "Shi Zhongshan Ji" Su Shi
"Water" says: "There is Shi Zhongshan at the mouth of Poyang Lake." Li Daoyuan believes that under the Shi Zhongshan near the deep pool, the breeze vibrates the waves, and the water collides with the stone, making a sound like Hong Zhong. This statement is often doubted. If the bell rings in the water, even strong wind and waves can't make it sound, and it is a stone! It was not until the Tang Dynasty that Rip began to pay tribute to the remains that he got two stones and put them on the pool. After listening to them, the voice in the south sounded Hu, the voice in the north was clear and clear, and the fork stopped ringing. I think I understand. He thinks he has found the reason for Shi Zhongshan. The sound of stones is everywhere, and this is just named after the clock. Why?
In June of the seventh year of Yuanfeng, Ding Chou, Yu, An, and Shi You, the eldest son, Mai, will go to Rao Dexing Wei and send him to Hukou, so that he can see the so-called stone clock. The monk in the temple asked the child to hold an axe and chose one or two buttons among the stones. Gu Yu smiled and didn't believe it. In the evening, the moon is bright, and Su Mai people are sitting in the boat under the broken wall. A thousand feet stand on the edge of a big stone, like a monster, and he wants to fight with people; The storks perched on the mountain, and the voices began. They burst into the clouds. Some people cough and laugh in the valley, or call it a stork. I was scared to retreat, and suddenly there was a loud voice on the water, which was as clear as a ringing drum. The boatman was very afraid. I slowly observed that the mountains were full of caves and crevices, and I don't know how deep they were. Small surges came in and the waves stirred. The ship returned to the two mountains and entered the port. There are big stones flowing in it, which can seat 100 people. The air is full of tricks, feng shui and muffled cymbals, corresponding to the people facing it. Because he smiled, he said, "What do you know? It is the song of Wei Zhuangzi that Zhou Jingwang is shocked by the fact that he has no gun, that he is bored with cymbals and that he is bored with cymbals. Ancient people are not good at bullying! "
You don't have to look at anything with your eyes or listen to it with your ears. Can you just guess whether it exists or not by subjective assumptions? What Li Yuan saw and heard was almost the same as that of Yu Tong, but it was unknown. The scholar-officials refused to spend the night on the boat under the cliff, so they didn't know; Fishermen and navy know but can't talk. This is why there is no such name as Shi Zhongshan in the world. However, shallow people beat stones with axes to find out why Shi Zhongshan was named, because they thought they were named after the truth. So I wrote down the past, lamented the simplicity of Li Daoyuan, and laughed at Li Bo's shallowness.
★ Su Shi, former Chibi Fu
In autumn, on July 16th and 16th, Su Shi and his friends went boating in Chibi. The breeze blows gently and the water can't reach the surface. Raise a glass to propose a toast to one's companions, recite articles related to the moon, and sing praises to chapters. Not long after, the moon rose from Dongshan, hovering between the Big Dipper and the cow. Milky white fog across the river, clear water. Let the boat float on the boundless river and cross the boundless river. Vast as the wind in Feng Xu, I don't know where it ends; Floating like an independent world, feathering into a fairy.
At this time, he was very happy to drink, slapping the ship's rail with his hand and singing. The song says: "Gui Gui is like a blue paddle, striking the sky and tracing the streamer. I am in my arms, looking at the beauty and the sky. " There are people who make up by blowing a hole in the song, and their voices are sad: they cry when complaining, and they make trouble when complaining; The sound is endless; It can make the dragon dance in the deep valley and make the widow in the lonely boat cry.
Su Shi's face was sad and sad, so he sat up in a corner and asked the guest, "How do you know?" ? "The guest said," There are few stars in the moon, and blackbirds fly south. Isn't this a poem by Cao Mengde? Looking at Xiakou in the west and Wuchang in the east. The mountains and rivers are winding and gloomy; Isn't this Meng Zhizhi trapped in Zhou Lang? Fang Qi broke Jingzhou and went down to Jiangling, downstream to the east. It is thousands of miles long, covered with flags, drunk on the river, writing poems sideways. The hero of the solid world, now? My son and I, firewood over Zhu Jiang, make friends with fish, shrimp and elk, and belong to each other with a boat and a bottle. It's a drop in the ocean to send a mayfly into the earth. Lament the moment of my life and admire the infinity of the Yangtze River; Fei Xian went on a trip, holding the bright moon and dying; Knowing that it is impossible to get it suddenly, I hate it. "
Perilla said, "Do you know my husband's water and the moon? The deceased is like this, but he has never been there; If you are full of emptiness, the dead will not ebb and flow. Gai must look at it from its own changes, and heaven and earth cannot be temporary; If you look at it from its unchanging point of view, then everything is endless to me. What do you envy? Between heaven and earth, everything has its own master. If it's not mine, it's a dime. However, the breeze on the river and the bright moon in the mountains are audible to the ears and visible to the eyes. Inexhaustible, inexhaustible. It is the creator's endless hiding place, and my son and I are in the right place. "
Guests smile, wash the lights more carefully, the dishes are done, and the cups and plates are messy. Sleeping on the boat, hugging each other, I know the horizon has turned white.
Please see the attached 30 poems.
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