《? Twinkle? Twinkle? Little? Star? Twinkling star: This well-known English children's song accompanies countless children to spend their evenings. I believe not only children, but this simple and warm classic children's song also accompanied us through a wonderful childhood.
《? The? Wheels? on? the? Bus? Wheels on the bus:
The? wheels? on? the? Bus is a familiar nursery rhyme in Britain. Disney's favorite children's songs series contains the most popular 1 Disney nursery rhymes, which is the first one, and it has also been selected into Liao Caixing's book list.
This song lets children know the world a little bit through the various scenery they see by bus. Its lyrics are simple and rhyming, and its tunes are relaxed and lively, humorous and bring a very cheerful feeling to people.
《? Bingo? 》:
《Bingo》? It is a spelling nursery rhyme with lively rhythm, simple language and beautiful melody.
The main idea of this song is:
A farmer has a puppy
The puppy's name is Bingo
B-I-N-G-O,? B-I-N-G-O,? B-I-N-G-O
(Read each letter)
How about the dog's name is Bingo
? It's very simple. Learn to sing to the children quickly.
《? Itsy? Bitsy? Spider? 》? Busy little spider: The whole song emphasizes "never? give? Up ":On the way to our destination, there will be storms and difficulties, but we will not give up because we have sunshine.
the main idea of the lyrics is: the little spider climbed up the drain, and it began to rain, which washed the spider away. The sun came out, the rain dried up, and the little spider climbed up the drain again.