Cao Cao - Order of Seeking Virtue Order of Seeking Virtue Since ancient times, have you ever been the king of Zhongxing? Is it possible that a wise man and a gentleman can rule the world with him? Even if he has found a wise man, he has never left the alley. How lucky is he to meet him? Those who are above seek to obtain the ear. Today's world has not yet been decided, and this is the time when we are in urgent need of talents. "Meng Gongchuo is a good man if he is an elder of Zhao or Wei, but he cannot be a doctor of Teng or Xue." If only honest men can be used later, how can Qi Huanqi dominate the world? Is there anyone who catches the brown jade in Weibin today? Is there any robber sister-in-law who receives money without encountering an ignorant person? The second and third sons, their assistants, are plain and simple, but only their talents can be used. Translation of poetry and prose: Since ancient times, which monarch has founded and revived a country, have they not had talented people working with them to govern the country? When they get talented people, they often don't go out of their way. Is this just a lucky chance? No! It’s just for the people in power to seriously visit and ask for help! The world has not yet settled down, and this is the most urgent time to seek talents. "Meng Gongchuo is capable as a retainer of Zhao and Wei, but he is not qualified to serve as a high official in a small country like Teng and Xue." If only so-called honest men can be used, then how can Duke Huan of Qi dominate the world! Are there no people in the world today who are wearing rough clothes and possessing true talents like Jiang Ziya fishing on the Wei River? And aren't there people like Chen Ping who have suffered the stigma of "stealing their wives and receiving money" but have not yet met Wei Wuwu? You must help me discover those talents who have been buried in low status and recommend them as long as they are talented so that we can appoint them.