During the years in Song Renzong, bandits were rampant in the south. The court sent ministers Yang Miao, Yu Jin, Sun Xun and others to the south to beg thieves, but there was no way to control the situation. Pang Ji, then prime minister, strongly recommended Di Qing, a former hero. At the same time, he was entrusted with an important task. After that, Di Qing saved the three armed forces from danger again with his extraordinary strategy and military strategy.
Although Di Qing was a martial artist, he was an envoy of the Tang Dynasty, known as a "military commander". This practice violated the rules since the establishment of the Song Dynasty and was envied by colleagues at that time. In addition, Di Qing is a professional, from the front line, living in the front line for a long time. Moreover, people from peasant backgrounds are mostly rich because of military achievements. Di Qing was a model representative of the soldiers at that time, with many fans and was supported and loved by many people.
History has always been like this. People who are supported by thousands of soldiers and civilians are always frustrated in officialdom. If he violates the convention in this way, he will naturally be persecuted by many people in officialdom. For officialdom.
Finally, Di Qing had to be demoted by the emperor because of repeated complaints from the treacherous court official in the DPRK. In the second year of Di Qing's demotion, a generation of famous soldiers finally died in anger and grief.
Throughout Di Qing, Ma Rong fought many battles all his life and made outstanding contributions to the stability of the motherland, so I think he was a unique star at that time.