The past tense of read is: read. The example of read is used as the verb (v.) onlyaffwofthechildrenread. Only a few children can read. Reading means five, literacy; Reading; Read aloud; Understand; Reading; Guess; Read lips; It says: read (impress); Display; Look at the readings; Hear; Replace ... with; Learning; (computer) reading disk; Reading; Good at reading; Profound knowledge; Familiar.
I. Detailed Interpretation Click here to view the details of read.
Verb (abbreviation for verb) (verb) Read, read, research, study hard, show hard, mark, read for understanding, read, understand, know, explain, solve, read is suitable for reading, worth reading, worth saying, worth reading, worth reading, worth learning, and worth distinguishing. Reading Lide (transliteration name) Herbert Edward Read Sir (1893-1968, English poet and literary critic) adj. (adjective) erudite, erudite, well-read _null. Read past tense and past participle II. Ying Ying's explanation.
Noun: something to read; "The article is easy to read"
Verb: interpret something thissweritenorprinted; "Reading advertisements"
"do you have your readSalmanRushdie?"
havercontaincertainwordingorform; "passagereads as follows"
"What does the law say?"
Look, explain and say out loud what is written or printed; "The king will read the declaration at noon."
Get data from magneticapes; " thidictionarycanbereadbythecomputer "
Explain the importance, such as palm, tea, intestines and sky; alsoofhumanbehavior" Shereadtheskyandpredictedrain "
"I can't stand the behavior of strangers."
"The Fortuneteller ReadHisfate Inthecrystalball"
interpret something inacertainway; Impression of specific meaning; " Ireadthisaddressasasatire "
"You can't believe this!"
beastudentofacertainsubject" Sheisreadingforthebarexam "
Indicateacertainreading instruments and instruments; "The thermometer reads thirteen degrees below zero."
"The ruler reads `empty'"
Auditionforastategerobreading partsofalore's audition; "He auditioned for' Julies Caesar' at the Strategic Theatre this year.
Listen and understand; “Ireadyouloudandclear!”
makesenseofalanguage" SheunderstandsFrench "
Third, the network interpretation
1. Reading files: (3) Suppose that the file operations provided by the file system include creating files, opening files, closing files, reading files, writing files, and deleting files. In the simulation program, file operation commands can be input from the keyboard to simulate various file operations called in various user programs.
2.2. Translation of reading
2 . read:r; read
3 . read:real _ timeelectronicaccessanddisplaysystem; Real-time electronic access and display system (developed by Gefei Company, USA)
Fourth, examples
Only a few children there can read.
Read this article slowly and consciously.
Read the full text slowly and purposefully.
Everyone is a book, as long as you know how to read it.
Please listen to me.
Please read aloud so that I can hear you.
IcanreadFrenchbutIcan't talk.
I can read French, but I can't speak it.
Silence cannot always be understood as consent.
Today's newspaper.
I read a good article in today's newspaper.
Marked as "12km".
I saw the sign saying "12km",
Generally speaking, the article is well read.
On the whole, this article reads well.
What is a thermometerread?
What is the reading of the thermometer?
Check the gas meter by yourself.
Do you read me?
Can you hear me?
We have informed the bank to change this clause to "Partial shipment is allowed".
She is studying history at the university.
My computer can't handle this problem.
My computer can't read the disk you sent.
I was reading quietly when the telephone rang.
His thrillers are always fascinating.
He reads the law very extensively.
He is proficient in law.
Five, common sentence patterns
Used as intransitive verb I have been read the full text.
I have been reading all morning. Sheislearningtoread。
She is learning to read. Ihavelittletimetoread。
I seldom have time to read books. children inaprimaryschoolreadandwriteeveryday。
Children in primary schools have to read and write every day. These sentences read smoothly.
This sentence reads smoothly. Things are different.
The two versions read differently. Used as the copula verb s+~+n./pron. The name should be pronounced Benson, not Fenton.
The name is pronounced Benson, not Fenton. Thispoemreadswell。
This poem reads well. His article reads smoothly.
His article reads smoothly. Used as a transitive verb s+~+n ~+n.
She likes reading books. How many English books have you read?
How many English books have you read? Peking University.
I study English literature in Peking University. I can't read your notes.
I can't read your notes. Can you design it?
Can you read these symbols? She read French, but didn't speak.
She reads French very well, but she can't speak French. I can read your mind.
I can read your thoughts from your face. You can read a person's first glance.
You can know a person's character at a glance. amotoristmustbeabletoreadtrafficsignes。
Drivers must be able to recognize traffic signs. No one can predict the future.
No one can predict the future. He said he could see your future.
He said he could predict your future fate. The clock reads 420.
The clock says 4: 20. The newspaper says "From new york to Boston".
The ticket is marked "From new york to Boston". 1 suchbooksarlittleread noday。
Few people read such books now. s+~+wh-to-vMaryreadhowtomakepastry。
Mary read the method of making cakes. s+~+that-clause read thenewdirectorischinese。
I heard that the new chairman is from China. Ihavereadtheairport was used on a large scale during the war.
I learned that the airport was widely used in that war. It's not over, he wrote in his letter.
His letter said that he was not going to come. The law considers atheism guilty.
The law found him guilty. S+~+wh- clause can't understand what the thermometer says.
I won't look at the temperature on the thermometer. Wereadhowitwasdone。
We saw the information and knew what to do. Used as a double-object verb s+~+pron. Let me read the newspaper to you.
I read you a newspaper. Ireadhimthepoem。
I read the poem to him. willyoupleaserereadmetheletter?
Would you please read this letter to me? I'll read it to you.
Let me read you another paragraph. S+~+n./pron。 +topron。 /n . letmereadittoyu。
Let me read it to you. The teacher read a book.
The teacher recited a poem to the class. S+~+n./pron。 +for pro。 /n. Can you help me read the material?
Can you read that material to me? shereadanicestory for the children。
She read a nice story to the children. Take (it) as a +that- clause.
We can take it that we have apologized. You may get angry when he hears what you have done.
You can think that Faisal will be angry when he hears what you have done. We can be sure that the newspaper will support our opponents.
We know that the newspaper will support our opponent without asking. Used as the object complement verb s+~+n./pron. +asn。 ireadherpleasrefusal。
I think her answer is no. 1 Silence cannot always be regarded as a content.
Silence cannot always be regarded as consent. Six, commonly used phrases
Used as verb readabout(v.+prep. ) to read; Learn to care about (something) by receiving information through printed materials.
Read the news newspaper.
This is what I read in the newspaper.
I have read the article about heart transplantation and discussed every place.
People have read the news of heart transplantation and are talking about it everywhere.
Retell; Repeated reading; Reading regression
read sth _ back please readbackthetextofmymessage。
Please read this message to me.
When you send a telegram by telephone, the operator usually calls you back.
When you send a telegram by telephone, the operator usually reads your message again to check whether it is correct.
Readfor(v.+prep。 Study for (a degree, etc). ).
Readforshmisonisreading forshelaw, and hopes to become a lawyer this year.
My son is studying law and hopes to become a lawyer by the end of next year.
Reading. ) reading; Study and study readwordsprintinabook, newspaperer, etc. ; studyasubjectbyreadingunderstandsthbyreadingorstudingsth
I like to study any subject I choose through in-depth reading.
This story must be true, which I read in the newspaper.
I knew his meaning from his facial expression before he spoke.
More prisoners were arrested here.
He read in a magazine that he had arrested more prisoners.
I was discovered by a young soldier.
I learned from a book that this was discovered by a young soldier.
Yesterday, the newspaper reported that milk would be more expensive.
I learned from the newspaper yesterday that the price of milk will go up.
Get ready. ) Do you understand? Add addmorethanisjustified when.
Read some letters she doesn't want to read.
Don't impose on her what is not in her letter.
She fell in love with her kindness.
He mistook her casual friendliness for love.
Don't take the common behavior of people around you as a bad plan.
You shouldn't think the worst of things.
You shouldn't add another meaning to what I said.
You reread morethanwordsintendedintothesay
You distorted the real intention of his speech.
Readlike(v.+prep。 ) it reads like? Berlicchi Anseur Redings
This doesn't look like a child's composition.
This doesn't read like a composition written by a child.
I read the article sliketranslation.
This article reads like a translation.
This book reads like a biology book.
This book reads like a biography.
This poem sounds like a translation.
Readof(v.+prep。 ) reading; Learn to care about (something) by receiving information through printed materials
Read yesterday's newspaper.
I learned the bad news of his death from yesterday's newspaper.
Read through (words, for example).
read sth _ off hereadofftheinstructionasthougheknewthembycheart。
He read the instructions fluently as if he could recite them.
If he doesn't know.
When the announcer read the announcement aloud, he seemed to have memorized it.
Keep reading.
Excuse me, please read it again.
I'm sorry to interrupt you, please read on.
ourstoryfinishedatthispointlastweek; Norden.
Our story ended here last week. Now keep reading.
Then there's Novelwassoabsorbing Stathereadonwithout Outbreaking KeeeveningFood and Sleep.
The novel was so fascinating that she read it all at once and even forgot to eat and sleep.
Please read page 12 after completing the exercise.
After you finish the exercise, you read all the way to page 12.
Read (computer) production (computer)
Read it from beginning to end.
read sth _ overreadveryourwrittenworkbeforehandingitin。
Read your homework before you hand it in.
The BBC must review the manuscript before allowing the program to be produced.
letmereadthatover . imustavemistakenename。
Let me read it again. I must have got the name wrong.
Read it carefully and check it thoroughly.
read sth _ through the editor readthrough the manuscript。
The editor finished reading the manuscript.
Before he understood, he had gone through several times.
This article is so difficult that he read it several times before he understood it.
Readto(v.+prep。 Put (oneself) in a certain state while reading.
She often reads in bed until she falls asleep.
He's ready.
He read and even shed tears.
Reading for study, research and study; study
read sth _ UPI believehehasstartreadingpanthropology。
I believe he has begun to study anthropology in depth.
You have read subjectup, but you know nothing about it.
You have made an in-depth study of this subject, but I know nothing about it.
Read it and you will find that I am right.
If you read these rules carefully, you will know that I am right.
Before trying.
Before doing his homework, he read the class notes carefully.
readuponsthImustreaduponthedevelopmentsintheFrenchlanguage; I feel horrible.
I have to study some books about the development of French. I'm afraid I'm too closed.
Before I go to Bahrain, I must learn about the customs and rules of Arabs.
Seven, common mistakes
This sentence reads smoothly. Wrong sentences read smoothly.
That's right. These sentences read smoothly.
The analysis of read means "read up" as an intransitive verb in the active voice, not in the passive structure.
I happened to read an article about it in an old magazine. Wrong ireaditQuietBychanceina noldmazine.
Positive ireadaboutique by chanceina noldmazine
When I read about the great changes in my hometown, I couldn't help getting excited. I was thrilled when I read about the great changes in my hometown.
I was very excited when I heard that great changes had taken place in my hometown.
Analysis of "Reading?" "I learned it in school?" English uses read of [about] ..., and reading is not as good as reading.