Catholicism does not have 20 bibles, but there are 20 rosaries. I hope this is what you want. Five happy endings (recited on Monday and Saturday) One happy ending: the angel gave good news to the Virgin Mary. The angel went in and said to her, "Long live! God is with you, full of divine grace! You are the lucky one among women. Two ends of joy: the virgin visits the saint Isabel. As soon as Isabel heard Maria's greetings, the baby in her belly was filled with joy. Isabel was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed are your unborn children. Three happy endings: When Jesus was born, Mary gave birth to her first son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and put him in a manger because they had no room in the inn. Joy has four ends: the virgin gives Jesus in the temple. According to the law of Moses, when they had finished the days of purification, they took their children to Jerusalem and offered them to the Lord, as it is written in the law of the Lord: "All the firstborn males should praise the Lord. Five ends of joy: Three days after Jesus preached at the age of twelve, the Virgin found Jesus in the temple. He sat among the scribes, listened to their sermons and asked them questions. Five Ends of Pain (Recite on Tuesday and Friday) One end of pain: Jesus Mountain Garden prayed that Jesus would pray more devoutly in extreme fear; His sweat dripped on the ground like blood. When he had finished praying, he got up and went to his disciples, and found them all asleep because of depression. Two ends of pain: Jesus was whipped and tortured. At that time Pilate ordered Jesus to be flogged. Three ends of pain: Jesus was humiliated, and the soldiers took off Jesus' clothes and put him in a purple robe; He wove a crown of thorns and put it on his head. He picked up a reed and put it in his right hand. Then he knelt before him and teased him and said, "Long live the King of the Jews! The four ends of pain: Jesus carried the cross up the mountain. Jesus came out with the cross on his back and went to a place called Golgotha, which is called Golgotha in Hebrew. Five painful endings: Jesus was crucified. Jesus cried out, "Father! I entrust my soul to you. " With that, he gave up the ghost. Five endings of blessing (recited on Wednesday and Sunday) One ending of blessing: Jesus raised the young man and said to them, "Don't be alarmed! You're looking for Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified. He has come back to life and is no longer here. Please look at the place where Ann spared him! After Jesus ascended to heaven, the Lord Jesus said these words to them, and he was taken to heaven and sat at the right hand of God. The three ends of honor and happiness: arrival of the Holy Spirit, everyone is filled with the Holy Spirit and speaks a foreign language according to what the Holy Spirit has given them. At that time, there was a big sign in the sky: a woman wearing the sun, standing on the moon and wearing a twelve-star crown. Blessing Five Ends: Glorious Mother of God. Are you the glory of Jerusalem? You are an honor to our country? God likes you too. May almighty god bless you forever! Five ends of light (Thursday recitation) One end of light: When Jesus was baptized in Jordan, Jesus came from Galilee to be baptized by John in Jordan. Two ends of light: On the third day after Jesus attended a wedding banquet in Ghana, there was a wedding banquet in Ghana, Galilee, where Jesus' mother was located. ? Can the chef taste the water that has turned into wine? . This is the first miracle that Jesus performed. After John was imprisoned, Jesus came to Galilee to preach the gospel of God, saying, "The time has come, and the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel! "Four ends of light: Jesus appeared in Dabo Mountain, taking Peter, John and Jacob to pray on the mountain. When he prayed, his face changed and his clothes were white and bright. Suddenly, Moses and Elijah spoke to him. ? A voice in the cloud said, "This is my son, whom I have chosen. Listen to him! The five ends of light: Jesus established the Eucharist. While they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take it and eat! This is my body. Then he picked up the cup, thanked it, handed it to them and said, "drink it, all of you!" For this is my blood, the blood of the New Testament, which was shed for the people to forgive their sins. ? . 」
The Rose Sutra rejoices at 20 ends, at five ends (Monday and Saturday) and at one end: angels give good news to the Virgin Mary. Two ends of joy: the virgin visits the saint Isabel. Three happy endings: Jesus Christmas. Four ends of joy: the virgin presents Jesus to the temple. Five ends of joy: Jesus preached at the age of twelve. Five ends of light (Thursday) One end of light: Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. Two ends of light: Jesus attended a wedding reception in Ghana. Three ends of light: Jesus preached the gospel of heaven. Four ends of light: the appearance of Jesus' big Bor Mountain. The five ends of light: Jesus established the Eucharist. Five Ends of Pain (Tuesday, Friday) One End of Pain: Pray on Mount Jesus. Two ends of pain: Jesus was whipped and tortured. Three ends of pain: Jesus was stabbed and humiliated. The four ends of pain: Jesus carried the cross up the mountain. Five painful endings: Jesus was crucified. Five Endpoints of Happiness (Wednesday and Sunday) One Endpoint of Happiness: the Resurrection of Jesus. Two ends of glory and happiness: Jesus ascended to heaven. Three ends of glory and happiness: the arrival of the holy spirit. The four ends of honor and happiness: the virgin Mary is called to heaven. The five ends of glory and happiness: the virgin of God's glory. The rosary is a mixture of oral prayer and meditation. In the Catholic tradition, this is an act of "commemorating the Virgin Mary", but in fact, it is meditating with the Virgin Mary the secret of God's salvation: his birth, preaching, suffering and resurrection. The rosary is usually divided into four parts. It is customary to recite the Five Ends of Joy every Monday and Saturday to commemorate the birth of Christ. Read Five Ends of Light on Thursday to commemorate the public life of Jesus; Read Five Ends of Pain on Tuesday and Friday to commemorate the crucifixion of Christ; Read Five Ends of Glory and Happiness on Wednesday and Sunday to commemorate the resurrection of Christ. When reading the rosary, we use this time to meditate on one end of it (for example, the end of glory, the resurrection of Jesus, etc. Therefore, chanting with rosary is almost like "timing", but it is important to "meditate" on the life story of Christ. It usually takes about ten minutes to recite Five Roses. The rosary can be a continuous prayer (see note below) and a transcendental prayer. For members, this is the simplest but very important practice method. Persistence and enthusiasm in chanting rosary every day can lead us to the highest realm of prayer. Many appearances of the Virgin in modern times are mostly aimed at encouraging believers and reading rosaries for world peace and repentance of sinners. Family rosary is an important medium for the unity of the whole family, and it is also a good contact way at the neighbor's party. May (the month of the Virgin Mary) and October (the month of the Rose) are sacred months for believers to strengthen their prayer beads. Note: Lian Prayer, also called "Jesus Prayer", is a rhythmic prayer and a combination of "time dedication" and "God consciousness": on the one hand, it dedicates time, on the other hand, it stimulates the mind's God consciousness. The way to pray is: keep quiet and peaceful, sit alone, close your eyes (or eyes), keep breathing slowly, deeply and comfortably, get rid of all other thoughts, and say with the rhythm of breathing, "Lord Jesus (inhale) have mercy on me (exhale)!" ""If we keep repeating this point, our hearts will be very quiet and undisturbed. When you pray, you don't have to reason and think, but you have to let go of everything, as if there is only you and your God in this world. At this time, some simple and persistent feelings can be aroused, such as love, regret, joy, praise, longing, hope, belief, dependence, hospitality, dedication, gratitude and so on. Eastern spiritualists believe that rhythmic prayer can make people enter a state of deep prayer.
Reference: Pastor Sharing
Joy, pain, light, happiness, happiness.