A gentleman enjoys himself, but he has to stay out of it However, those who are sick and have no names say nothing and go with others. Man is a gentleman, but he is so absorbed in it that he has to stay out of it. But there are also those who are famous for their hometown and want to make their anger violent and endless, just as good as others. You can get it from others only if you have internal talent, and you can be nice to others only if you have external talent. This is the reason why Wang Zhidao ranks first, but it is also the theory of a hundred schools of thought.
With the state, far away from the capital, its land is far away. During the celebration, the living Sheren and Yin Gongzhu south of the Tuge River in Zhilong were regarded as states because they were not in power, and lived in the Golden Lantern Garden of Kaiyuan Buddhist Temple in Wuli, east of the city. Yin Gongyou's righteous literature is good at arguing, and those who swim with it for a while are well known all over the world, but everyone thinks it can't be achieved. At that time, Yin Gong was famous all over the world, but what he learned was not vivid because of the rich and the poor, so he lived alone with him and studied books every day to understand the ancient and modern times, but he didn't know that it was a great shame to be an official. Try it in the north hill where it lives, make a pavilion out of wool between bamboo and cypress, play it, and then leave. When you go, people can't bear to waste it, but you have to take care of it, because it has the name of Yin Gongting. The country is engaged in stone carving by Xie Jingping. For four years, Si Nong praised Li as the emperor of Qingzhou. At first, it was a fait accompli because its foundation was old and narrow, and it was easy to cut materials. It was covered with pottery tiles, but it was wide and deep, and the surrounding mountains were in a few seats. It is also located in the north and has its old pavilion, so everyone likes to comfort their thoughts and get the beauty of the tourist landscape. It is recorded that Gong Li tried to go to the capital in winter.
Because of the business trip, I was impressed by what I saw in the book, but Gong Li was so extravagant that he was not alone in comforting people's thoughts for a moment, but happy with them! It will also make my husband withdrawn. As for what future generations have seen and heard, those who recite his name and browse his trail will return the favor and think that the wind of Yin Gong is fierce. As for the newer one, it can be said that he is not worse than others. Then Li Gongzhi spread all over the world, already in! So it was written on the first day of the first year of Xining.
Stay in the grass
A gentleman only needs his own experience for himself, instead of begging the society how to evaluate himself. But Confucius said that "a gentleman hates his name until death do us part" because he hoped that the world would behave like himself. For a gentleman, people only need to admire him from the heart, not how to admire him in society. However, in order to make Mr. Wang's reputation, manners, integrity and achievements appear in front of the world, there are still people who use Mr. Wang's name as the name of their hometown. This is because they want the world to admire him as well. Since we can find a way to make ourselves truly learned, and we can find a way to make the world admire us as much as ourselves in society, this is exactly the code of conduct used to form ancient wise emperors, which is different from the idea that a hundred schools of thought contend.
Any place, as a state, is far away from Beijing, very remote and almost isolated from the outside world. Yin, a resident of Zhilong Tuge and a native of Henan Province, was banished to this state in the Qing Dynasty because he was excluded by those in power, and lived in the Golden Lantern Garden of Wuli Buddhist Temple in the east of the state. Yin Gong has noble moral character and knowledge behind him, and he is very good at distinguishing fakes. The people who used to travel by car with Yin are all famous people in the world, but everyone thinks that they can't catch up with Yin Gong. During this period, Yin Gong's reputation shook the world. He learned that he would not waver in his faith because of wealth, so he lived in Suizhou and took exams every day, clearly indicating that his official position had fallen. He once built a pavilion with thatch on the hill north of his residence, between bamboo and cypress, for rest and play, and it took more than a year to leave. After he left, Suizhou people couldn't bear to let the pavilion be abandoned and destroyed, so they often repaired it and named it "Yin Gong Zhi Ting". Suizhou engaged Xie Jingping to carve a tablet to describe this matter. In the fourth year of Zhiping, Li Yuqing, the emperor of Sinong Shao Qing, went to this state to be a satrap. From the beginning, he raised the low places, widened the narrow places, cut down trees to replace the old pavilions and made roof tiles. After the new pavilion was repaired, the spacious peaks around Gao Shuang and Suizhou jumped into the eyes of people sitting in the pavilion. There is also an old pavilion erected in the north, where Suizhou people can express their nostalgia for Yin Gong and visit. This winter, Gong Li sent the drawings of the exhibition hall to the capital and asked me to write a note to describe it.
Generally speaking, Yin Gong's character is reflected in his career, and his speech is reflected in his words, which is already impressive. But Gong Li expanded Yin Gong's influence in restoring the pavilion. Is it to comfort people and have fun with him? It also allows people who can't see to enjoy these remote and secluded places. There is no one who spreads his name and browses his trajectory without looking back. Think about the fierce wind of Yin Gong, and the longer it takes, the fresher it feels. This is why others like him. However, is Gong Li known to the world only for this reason? So I wrote this article for him. It was the first day of the first year of Xining.
2. Classical Chinese: Q&A of You Huang Xi Ji;
1, the explanation of bold words in the following sentences is incorrect [B]
A. there is gold in the north and foreigners in the west. H: here you are.
B.there are two gables standing above the temple. Wall: wall.
C. to the first pool, it is the most beautiful, almost indescribable. Description: Description.
D. Huang Di Wang Xing is also a headstrong person. World: descendants, heirs.
2. In the following sentences, the group that directly shows the wonderful characteristics of Huangxi Chutan is [B]
(1) looks like a big urn and stands on the side of thousands of feet.
(2) to Bai Hong, silence.
(3) In the east stood a bird as big as a mandarin fish with red head and black wings.
(4) Shi Zhengrong, near steep flow, if the chin is raised.
The tree is strong, the stone is thin, and the water is ringing.
6 streams accumulate, wearing Tibetan ointment.
3. The following analysis and summary of the relevant contents of the original text is incorrect [D]
A. The author takes the reader to Dongtun Village, Huangxi, and enjoys the whole landscape of Huangxi at the Huangshen Temple. Then follow the stream up the hill, show you the beautiful scenery all the way, and come to the hiding place of Huangshen.
B. The author has unique opinions, evaluates different customs, convinces people with facts, catches people with scenery, writes landscapes with the pen of history, and appreciates strangeness with sketches.
C. The author explores the seclusion and delights in self-adaptation. It seems that there is no play, but in fact he is excited and confident. Its art is exquisite, easy to understand, bizarre and realistic, handy, by analogy, fascinating and intriguing.
D Huang Shen is said to be the descendant of the traitor Wang Mang, but he is regarded as a god because he lives in the deep mountains, attracting people to live in Huangxi, gaining their respect and setting up shrines for sacrifice. The author participated in the progressive Yongzheng innovation, but was demoted to Yongzhou. Writing this shows the author's strong dislike.
4. Translate underlined sentences in classical Chinese reading materials into modern Chinese.
(1) Since God lives in peace, so does man. After Huang Shen lived here, people lived and worked in peace and contentment.
(2) During this period, there were more than 100 famous mountains, rivers and villages, among which Huangxi was the most famous. There are hundreds of villages famous for their mountains and rivers, and Huangxi is the best.
3. Zhou Guo Yi read and answered Zhou Dunyi, whose name is Mao Shu, who is from Yingdao County, Daozhou.
Originally named Dunshi, it was changed to Dunshi because it avoided the old name of Yingzong. Due to the recommendation of Zheng Xiang, a bachelor of my uncle Longtuge, I made Fenning County Master Book.
There is a case that has been delayed for a long time and has not been decided. After Zhou Dunyi took office, he was immediately clarified after only one trial. People in the county were surprised and said, "The old jailer can't compare with you!" " The minister recommended him and transferred him to Nan 'an to be the general manager of the army, Cao Shenjun.
There is a prisoner who should not be sentenced to death according to the law, and the transshipment makes Wang Kui want to give him a heavy sentence. Wang Kui is a cruel and fierce bureaucrat. No one dares to argue with him. Dunyi argued with him alone. Wang Kui didn't listen, so Dunyi threw the boat home and planned to resign, saying, "How can you still be an official like this? I won't kill to please my superiors. "
Wang Kui understood that the prisoner was saved.
4. 100, seeking the translation of the full text of Dongshan Travel Notes in classical Chinese. Hongwu twenty-eight years, living in Wuchang.
There was a Mr. Jiang Yinxi in Wuchang, whose ancestors were also from Luling. He is over eighty years old and loves reading Taoist books. My son Gong Li can write poetry.
Both father and son are broad-minded people, who live in seclusion on weekdays, hide their ambitions and talents, do not associate with people casually, and only like me. On the first day of March this year, the three of us took four or five boys and servants, wine and food, and went out for a long trip.
Before dawn, walk east, walk about two miles through Hongshan Temple, turn north, walk about ten miles through the pine forest, and wade through the mountain stream. The water in the stream is so clear that a boat can swim in the depths.
A boulder by the stream can seat more than a dozen people. Pine and bamboo, shaded by green trees, are very dense.
At this time, the weather is fine, the weeds and trees are in full bloom, the fragrance is fluttering, and the birds are contending. So I began to clean the stone surface and sat on it.
After sitting for a long time, I heard a chicken barking and a dog barking. I told Gong Li to get up and took dozens of steps to the east. Over a hill, I saw a flat and vast field with more than a dozen huts nearby.
So I went to visit. An old man in his seventies, with long hair like snow, draped over his shoulders and ruddy face, looks like a drinker.
The old man invited us both to sit down. There are several sets of books under the window.
Gong Li took out a Liezi and I picked up a White Tiger Hall. Everyone wants to take the book away, but it is not convenient to ask for it. The old man read our thoughts and said, "These two books are useless to me."
So, the two of us each held the book in our arms and said goodbye. Go back to the stone and sit down. Assign boys to pick taro leaves as plates and put meat on them.
Gong Li lifted the wine bottle gourd to pour, handed the glass and drank several rounds in turn. Gong Li improvised a seven-character modern poem, and I also wrote one. Halfway through the drink, a rider turned out to be my old friend Li Qianhu, the left-back of Wuchang.
At first, he was surprised and smiled at each other, but he didn't stop and drove his horse away. Soon, he prepared a sumptuous dining table and brought a Taoist.
So we drink with them. The Taoist priest took out a frame of "Taiyi Real Man" and asked us to write poems.
I wrote a five-character ancient poem. Gong Li doesn't write, he just toasts Taoist priests.
The Taoist priest couldn't bear it any longer. He bowed down and begged for mercy, which made everyone laugh. Li Ganhu took out his pipa and played a few songs.
Gong Li also broke a bamboo, drilled several holes, and then played it, making a sound as sweet as a flute. The old man in Silverstream couldn't help singing "Su Wuman" and spent a lot of money.
The Taoist priest danced, and the two boys clapped their hands and jumped up behind him. After that, the Taoist priest bowed again and asked Gong Li, "Why didn't Mr. Wang refuse to write poetry because he was poor!" "Gong Li wrote a few quatrains, these poems are more novel.
So we started drinking again. Gong Li and I didn't drink much. We were both a little drunk. Soon after, the sun went down, only ten feet away from the western peak. Mr. Jubilee called us back and said, "Isn't there endless fun?" So, we bid farewell to Li Qianhu and Taoist priests.
On the way, Mr. Silverstream pointed to the foot of the mountain by the roadside and turned to me and said, "This is where I built my grave." He pointed to the peach trees on the roadside and said to me, "Come and see me here when you enjoy the peach trees next year."
After coming back, Gong Li said to me, "You should write a travel note on this trip." But I didn't have time to write this article.
This winter, Mr. Yinxi died unexpectedly. I cry and mourn.
The following year's Cold Food Festival, Gong Li and I made an appointment to sweep the grave for the elderly. Unexpectedly, I was ill again and couldn't go as scheduled.
Soon, I will return to Luling. When I leave, I will stay in Gong Li Palace to say goodbye, and then I will begin to remember my trip to Dongshan. I didn't finish reading it, so Gong Li took it and cried while reading. I couldn't help crying, so I stopped writing.
But thinking of befriending Chiang's father and son in the past, he was sent to pay tribute during Wuchang. In the second year, I went to Dongshan for a spring outing, and I kept a diary on the third day of August.
[2] On the first day of April in Wuyinxia (A.D. 1 158), Yiyang Fangchou and Guanghan Zhang Qian gave Liu Rui a farewell dinner in Dongshan, Yongzhou. It rained for a long time, and the weather was fine. We climbed to the top of the mountain and looked around. The mountain was washed very refreshing.
We put the dining tables in the room on the west side of the temple, looked around the courtyard and portal, and sighed and said, "Ah, this is the former residence of former Prime Minister Fan!" " The guests present were indecisive and stood up to ask for details. Zhang Gong of Lingling said, "When Zhong lived here, I was only thirteen or fourteen years old.
My late father appreciated Zhong's kindness and service to their family, so I also had the opportunity to serve Zhong. Zhong was very sharp-eyed, holding a piece of jade about an inch in his hand and using it to * * *.
I didn't know this thing, so I went to see it many times. A child next to him deliberately lied and said, "This is a stone."
Zhong was surprised and said,' No, it's called jade.' Alas, loyalty is sincere, even children don't cheat, and the spirit of loyalty can be imagined. "
Everyone here is surprised. Zhang Gongshi added: Zhong lives in this wing in the west. The house is small and close to the monks in the temple.
Several grandchildren are still very young. One day, the grandson and the monk were playing in the temple. The monk didn't know that Zhong was the former prime minister. The two men took their grandchildren and abused each other. They happened to pass by Zhong, and his words secretly involved Zhong. Zhong treated it indifferently, as if he didn't hear it.
The next day, the monk regretted it very much. Shame and restraint were unnatural. He came to his house to apologize, but Zhong didn't say a superfluous word in the end and treated them as before. Scholars in Yongzhou sometimes meet Zhong, who is very persuasive and teaches him personally.
One day, as soon as I sat down, someone boldly asked, "What is the relationship between Fan Moumou and you?" Yeah, first name. At that time, Zhong's two sons were waiting beside him, and they were sweating with fear.
Zhong frowned and said for a long time,' it's my dead father.' People who speak rashly are afraid.
After a while, Zhong comforted him with gentle words and kept in touch with him. Although there are godsend factors, the measure of public loyalty is probably honed by acquired study and cultivation.
So, all of you here said with one voice: Jiangshan is still the same, but Zhong will never see it again. Decorate them like a bow, and you can.
5. Hao Jingchun's translation of classical Chinese reading answers for reference:
Hao Jingchun, also known as Herman, is from Jiangdu. After passing the provincial examination, he was given instructions from Yancheng and was dismissed from his post and returned to his hometown because of his mistakes. He was appointed as the supervisor of manjuji, Ma Yuan, Shaanxi Province, and later transferred to Huangzhou, Zhao Mo, as the agent of Huang An County. Just three days after his arrival, the peasant rebels suddenly attacked the city. Jingchun and others held on for eight days and eight nights, and the rebels retreated.
In the eleventh year of Chongzhen (1638), he was promoted to the magistrate of Fangxian County. Luo Rucai, the leader of the peasant uprising army, led the ninth battalion to ask Xiong Wencan to surrender. Wencan agreed to surrender, and you hesitated again. Jingchun came to the rebel barracks alone to persuade him, and formed an alliance with Confucian scholars and their companions Bai Gui and Hei Yunxiang. You just surrendered to Wen Shenjun, and all his battalions are stationed in Zhuxi Valley, Baokang, and you, Gui and Yun Xiang are stationed in the suburbs of Fangxian County. At that time, the walls of Yunyang counties were destroyed, and only Fangxian relied on Jingchun to appease them, which was generally defensible. However, during this period, residents are restless day and night. Jing Chun, Zhu Bangwen, the chief bookkeeper, and Yang Daoxuan, the garrison, were repairing fortifications while living in harmony with the rebel battalions.
In the 12th year of Chongzhen (1639), in May, Zhang Qibing attacked the Ming Dynasty and Gucheng, asking you to act together. Jing Chunzi and Hao Mingluan are still students and have the courage to be defeated by ten thousand people. He said to his father, "Fangxian County is the enemy's target, with only 200 tired and thin soldiers. How can the city hold? " He put on his armor and came to you, saying, "Didn't you read the oath you swore to my father when you burned incense?"? I hope you will be careful not to get into trouble with Zhang. "You made a false promise. Ming Luan knew that your promise was insincere. He and Dao Xuan came back to defend the city, and the striker sent by Zhong Xian had arrived at the door. Ming Luan and other rebel generals went to Tianlong and sent envoys to Xiong Wencan for help. They have been there fourteen times, but they haven't seen Wen Can.
Soon, the rebel brigade went to Fangxian County to offer loyal soldiers to play the white flag, while the talented team played the red flag. Suddenly the two armies met and besieged each other. Rebel generals Bai Gui and Black Yun Xiang shouted to the city: "Give our city and make sure nothing happens." Dedication made Zhang Dajing surrender. Jingchun cursed, reprimanded, defended and fought for five days and five nights in the city. The rebels suffered heavy losses. Zhong Xian's left foot was injured, and his beloved steed was also killed. Zhang Sanxi, the garrison commander, opened the north gate to let you into the city. The city was breached and Daoxuan died in street fighting. Dajing advised you to persuade Jingchun to surrender, but Jingchun refused. When he asked him where the treasure was, Jingchun snapped, "If there is treasure in the vault, you can't break the city!" The rebels killed a Canon of History and a garrison to intimidate him, but Jing Chun never gave in and was killed with his son Ming Luan. His servants Chen Yi and Zhu Bangwen are both dead. Hearing this, the imperial court granted Jing Chun the protection of Shao Qing, built a shrine for worship, and later gave Shao Qing in Taibu Temple.
6. Cao Xiugu read the answer Cao Xiugu, the word narrative, Jianzhou Jian' an people. He is honest, fearless in life, and never takes dignitaries as his eyes. One day, Cao Xiugu took a dozen colleagues to the early dynasty, and on the way, she met two eunuchs riding in front of her. Examiners are afraid of delaying the trial and ask them to make way temporarily. The two eunuchs not only refused, but swore. After the court, Cao Xiugu told Renzong about it: According to the previous history, the respect of Yushitai (the supervisory organ) is the respect of the emperor. Story, colleagues in the Third Hospital are the same as those who know chores. If so, please compensate.
Injong was deeply impressed and immediately ordered the punishment of the two eunuchs.
On another occasion, Yan Shu, a bachelor of Jixian Temple and an envoy of the Tang Dynasty, lost his temper and knocked out other people's teeth with a water board. A senior official like Yan Shu starts beating people, but no one dares to take care of it. Cao Xiugu doesn't care about this. He thinks this behavior is too rude and beneath his dignity. He advised the emperor: "I was appointed as an assistant and studied law from hundreds of ministers, but I died in a rage." In ancient times, the three fairs broke the rules and first removed Chen Shu from the list of books in China. Please punish me appropriately for public discussion.
Injong was only thirteen years old when he ascended the throne. The power of the imperial court is controlled by the queen mother, who uses it for herself. The ministers of the Qing Dynasty were jealous, but they were afraid to make suggestions. Cao Xiugu, however, regardless of his official position, talks loudly every time he meets an important event, never fearing or giving in. Later, she was dismissed because she wrote a letter asking the queen mother to return the state affairs to the emperor.
Cao Xiugu was an honest official all his life, and his family was rich. He didn't even have clothes to bury the body when he died. Colleagues and friends sighed for it, and everyone sent a sum of money to his home to support the funeral. Cao Xiugu's daughter cried and said to her mother, Why bother my ancestors?
She understands that her father is famous for his loyalty and integrity. How can he accept other people's property after death and defile his father's perfect character? The mother and daughter were in tears, and all those who declined politely were sincere. Although everyone repeatedly begged them to accept it, the mother and daughter never accepted a penny.
7. The original text of Reading and Answering You Dongshan Collection (with translation) and its translator: the selection of classical Chinese has changed greatly, but it is also reasonable. Since Anhui's independent proposition in 2006, the selection of classical Chinese can be said to be "ever-changing", with no regularity at all. The preface in 2006, the statement in 2007, and the statement in 2007.
Just when everyone didn't know what "style" to take in this year's exam, the "wolf" finally came-the "record" style appeared. The proposer may consider people's "acceptance", the reading of the article is not difficult, and the setting of the three multiple-choice questions has not changed as predicted. The nephew plays lanterns-the old rule.
However, the inspection of function words is difficult. Classical Chinese translation has turned two sentences in the exam questions in the past three years into three sentences, which has actually reduced the difficulty.
Read the following classical Chinese and complete questions 4~7. You Dongshan Ji [Ming] Hongwu Yihai was a guest in Wuchang.
Mr. Jiang Yinxi in Wuchang, who is in his eighties, is a very good Taoist book. His son is upright and can write poems.
They are all very generous. However, I don't hide, I don't make friends for nothing, and I get along with you alone.
It's the first day of March. There are more than three people, four or five boys, and dining tables. Before dawn, go east, cross the Hongshan Temple for two miles, turn north, cross the path for ten miles, cross the pine forest and wade the stream.
The water is crystal clear and the ship can float in the depths. There is a stone next to it, where more than a dozen guests live.
Pine, cypress and bamboo trees are densely shaded. When the weather is sunny, the flowers of herbs rot, the fragrance blows on the clothes, and the birds sing differently.
So I swept the stone and sat down. Sit for a long time and smell the sound of chickens and dogs.
I'm going to stand up and cross the hill a few steps to the east. The field is flat and there are more than a dozen huts, so I built it. A 30-year-old man, over 70 years old, with plain hair like snow, shawl and shiny face, is an alcoholic.
Take two more people. You have a batch of books, Gong Li found Liezi, and the rest got White Tiger Tong. It's hard to say.
Knowing what he meant, he said, "It's no use getting old." Come out of each other's arms
Sitting on a stone, pointing to Gu Tongzi, picking taro leaves as plates and carrying meat. Gong Li raised a pot of wine and handed it a few lines.
Li Gong copied a chapter of seven-character modern poetry, and the rest were harmonious. After half a glass of wine, someone rode by, and my old friend Li Qianhu, Wuchang left-back, laughed in horror and drove away without dismounting.
In an instant, he was full and brought a Taoist, so he thought about it. The scholar wrote a poem called "The Real Life of Taiyi".
Yu Fu's Five Words Ancient Chapter is a book. I stand ready to do nothing, but I drink and drink Taoist priests.
The Taoist priest can't win. Thanks, everyone laughed. Li played some tunes on the pipa.
Bend the bamboo upright, blow with your eyes wide open and make a flute sound. There is no hidden stream of music, Su Wuman.
The Taoist priest danced and wandered around, followed by two boys clapping and jumping. But the Taoist priest bowed again and said, "Why not write poems with the Taoist priest?" Gong Li helped write a few quatrains, and the language was strange, so I thought about it again. I drank with Gong Li, and I was drunk when I was young.
The sunset is only a few meters away from Xifeng, and the undercurrent calls me back and says, "I am happy with it?" So I said goodbye to Li and Taoist. The undercurrent in the middle road pointed to Grain Rain at the foot of the roadside mountain and said, "That's where I camped."
He pointed to the peach blossom on the roadside and said, "Call me when you see the flowers next year." When he came back, Gong Li said, "You should remember when you travel."
It belongs to leisure. Winter came, hiding in the stream, I cried.
Cold food next year, meet under the tomb. The rest of the diseases have no results.
A few days later, I returned to Luling, made a farewell ceremony and began to write it down. If you haven't finished reading it, get ready to watch it and cry; I cried too, so I stopped.
But I miss the friendship between Jiang and his son, and I have visited Wuchang landscape many times, but I was not happy about it, so I finally remembered it. Write it down by hand and leave a legacy.
I will travel next year, and I still remember the fifth child in August. (Selected from Dongli Collection, abridged) [Note] ① Mountain: Tomb.
4. The incorrect explanation of the words in the following sentences is (3 points) A. Delaying two people to sit down: invitation. B.thank you: thank you
C. farewell after the ceremony: visit. D. happiness is more than that: more than that.
Answer B "Xie" should mean "admit your mistake and apologize". The four notional words "Xie" and "Guo" examined in this question are among the 120 words specified in the old syllabus.
5. In the following sentences, those with the same meaning and usage are (3 points). A. sit and sweep the stones. B. There are more than a dozen huts. Why did you abandon your armor and drag your troops away from the mountains? C. be happy with it. D. why can you tease with Li and Taoist? C. analyze the two "qi" in group c as adverbs, and strengthen that the word "er" in item a of rhetorical question is a conjunction, the first one indicates the connection, and the second one indicates the modification.
In item B, "Yan", the first one is a pronoun, as an object, which is equivalent to "Zhi". The second is a part-time word, which is equivalent to "Yu Zhi", there. The first "and" in item D is a preposition, and; The second is a conjunction, and.
This choice is worthy of scrutiny. 6. The following analysis and summary of the relevant contents of the original text are incorrect: (3 points) A. Jubilee is very cautious in making friends, optimistic and broad-minded, and very indifferent to life and death; Although I am old, I can still enjoy the scenery.
B Gong Li is honest, can drink, is good at reading, is good at writing poems, has a deep association with the author, and is full of nostalgia for his dead father. C Gong Li suggested that there should be travel notes after the trip, but the author couldn't start writing because of his busy business, and didn't start writing until the following August.
D. The article mainly describes the situation of You Dongshan, showing the deep friendship between the author and Yin's father and son, and revealing the grief over the death of his old friend. Answer C: It means "I want to write a travel note on this trip". I didn't write it, not only because I was busy with my business, but also because "I haven't finished reading it, and I am crying; I cried too, so I stopped crying. "