The word was written by Wang Anshi, a writer in the Song Dynasty. This poem praises the life experiences of Yi Yin and Lu Shang and their great achievements that have been famous for thousands of years. It also laments the difficulty of meeting the emperor and his ministers. It expresses that the author gained the knowledge of Song Shenzong and made great achievements in politics. The heroic feeling of being proud of the spring breeze.
Lang Tao Sha Ling
Ilu and Lu have lost their lives, and they have experienced Qingtong. One is a fisherman and the other is a farm servant. If he hadn't met him at that time, he would have become a hero in his old age.
Tang and Wu meet by chance, wind, tiger, cloud and dragon. King Xing was only talking and laughing. Thousands of years later, who can compete with me for the credit?
I started with the sentence "Yi and Lu both declined, and they went through Qingtong" and wrote about the experiences of Yi Yin and Lu Shang from the two aspects of Qiong and Tong. change. Yi Yin's original name was Zhi; Yin was the official position he later held. Legend has it that he was an abandoned baby by the Yishui River, with "Yi as his surname, and he once worked as a servant to cultivate Xin" ("Mencius Wan Zhang"): "Yi Yin plowed in the fields with Xin." "Xin, the name of the ancient country, which was located near Kaifeng in present-day Henan Province). Tang of Shang married a daughter of the Xin family. She belonged to the Shang Dynasty as a dowry. Later, she was reused by King Tang and made great achievements. Lu Shang, Jiang His surname is Lu; his given name is Ziya, and his nickname is "Tai Gongwang". Legend has it that he was still in dire straits until his later years, so he had to go fishing on the shore of the Wei River. Once, when King Wen of Zhou went hunting, the king and his ministers met. He first assisted King Wen. Following King Zuo Wu, he finally achieved the great cause of destroying Shang and rejuvenating Zhou Dynasty. The experience of Yi and Lu was not smooth sailing. They were poor first and then got through. They were "poor and prosperous"; when Lu Shang became famous, he was already old, so he was called "failing old man". There was always a certain amount of chance and luck in the rise of scholars in the feudal era from poverty to prominence. It is said that there are only a few people who can rise from poverty to mastery. This is combined with the saying "Yi Lu and two old men are declining". There is no clear text in the book about whether Yi Yinzuo was old or not during Tang Dynasty. This is a related question worth thinking about: "Ruo Shi" is quite self-proclaimed. When Yi and Lu were working as farm servants and fishermen, if they did not meet Shang Tang and Zhou Wen, the heroes would eventually die in the rocks. It is something to be thankful for, but the fate of more scholars is a pity, because those people have not been discovered, appreciated, or given the opportunity to be appointed. They are "old" heroes, that is, heroes who have been buried. .
In the next film, the word "even" in "Tang and Wu meet by chance" has already pointed out the contingency of "the meeting of kings and ministers", but once they can meet, there will be a situation of "wind, tiger, cloud and dragon". "Yi Qian" Wenyan: "The clouds follow the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, they act on people and see all things. "It means that the clouds follow the dragon and the wind follows the tiger. If a sage monarch appears in the world, then he can easily accomplish the great cause of establishing a king and a country while talking and laughing. Yi and Lu If you have real skills, you can really accomplish something. Only in this way can you truly be called a talent. Because this is the essence of the problem, the phrase "Xing Wang" is very important in the whole word. The ending is also an extension of this sentence, saying that Yi and Lu are not only outstanding in their time, but have transcended thousands of years, and no one can match them. Behind the praise of Yi and Lu's immortal achievements, the fate of Yi and Lu is revealed. and establishing achievements were undoubtedly a huge spiritual force for Wang Anshi. He was inspired by it and strengthened his determination and courage to implement reforms.
This is a poem that praises history and praises Yi Yin. He Lu Shang's "experiences in Qingtong" and his achievements that lasted for thousands of years are used to express the author's heroic feelings of being favored by Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty and making great achievements in politics. It is different from the general abstraction of ancient poets. It is an empty historical poem, but an expression of a politician's true thoughts and feelings while learning from the past and discussing the present. endless.