Creation is jealous of many talents, and dragons and phoenixes belong to one master. If Mr. Wang doesn't die, the world may be less than three points! This poem is about Pang Tong, but when was it wri
Creation is jealous of many talents, and dragons and phoenixes belong to one master. If Mr. Wang doesn't die, the world may be less than three points! This poem is about Pang Tong, but when was it written and who wrote it?
This is the couplet of Feng Chu Temple. Feng Chu Temple was built in the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty (1846). It used to be Jiuchongtang, but now there is only one, covering an area of 300 square meters. On both sides are couplets written by Gu Fuchu, a famous poet in the Qing Dynasty: "There are many taboos in creation, and dragons and phoenixes cannot be in one room; If Mr. Wang doesn't die, Jiangshan may not be three points. "