1, "What is etiquette?"
Etiquette is humility and behavior should be standardized; Etiquette is a bondage, and it becomes a habit over time; Etiquette is a form, and mutual respect becomes natural; Etiquette is an agreement, which is made into a classic; Etiquette is a procedure of regular activities; Etiquette is the law, always encouraged. Etiquette is an agreement, which is made into a classic; Etiquette is a procedure of regular activities; Etiquette is the law, always encouraged.
2. "Rites are the soul of people"
Ceremony is a person's soul, and no soul is rootless; Ceremony is a steelyard, without which it is difficult to know the weight. Etiquette is the principle of the world, and it is difficult to talk about unreasonable things; Rite is the essence of literature, and there is life in literature; Ceremony is the law of Tao, and each Tao has nothing to do with cards; Ceremony is a form of virtue, and everyone gets along with each other with great feelings. Family is a small group, everyone should pay attention to etiquette, family harmony, neighborhood harmony, * * * with the construction of new communities. Parents should be kind, shoulder the responsibility of education, set an example to educate their children, and do their best to educate their children. Teach them, establish perfect ideals and character, teach them and sow selflessness and justice in their hearts. Between father and son, we should be filial, do not forget the grace of raising, listen to the teachings of elders, not contradict, not be extreme, communicate more with different opinions, be calm, be considerate of parents on weekdays, do housework diligently, and safeguard the dignity and reputation of elders. There is love between husband and wife, mutual respect, harmony and no suspicion. Respect each other's privacy, honor both parents and be impartial. More support in your career and more compassion in your life. Be tolerant and understanding, and be a good couple to grow old together. Brothers and sisters should be modest, help each other and keep in touch. Brothers should be kind, respectful, broad-minded, don't mind being wronged, be open and honest, and don't be heartless. Neighborhoods should help each other more, be lenient with others and be strict with themselves. Say hello when you meet for a long time. Be warm, modest and not rude. Never expose people's shortcomings. It is inappropriate to talk about the host country and the West. It is right to give priority to public welfare, not to hurt feelings for trivial matters, not to show off wealth, not to compare with others, to help each other and understand each other. Learn etiquette, pay attention to etiquette, family harmony, neighborhood unity, and build a civilized new community!
3. "Civilized manners accompany me"
Civilization is a flower, a flower with permanent fragrance. We irrigate with sincerity and nurture with enthusiasm, so that the poems of etiquette will always be treasured in each other's hearts. Etiquette is a poem, elegant and clear. We use understanding to melt and care to comfort, so that the poems of etiquette will always be treasured in each other's hearts. We are cross-century teenagers, and we should be the spokesmen of civilization in the new era. Under the rain, we sow the seeds of civilization; In the sunshine, we dress up the spring in our hearts. Bring a smile to others, and others will give you infinite happiness. Bring warmth to others, and others will give you a bright mood. Give your heart to others, and others will miss you deeply. Give others humility, and others will respect you. Let's hide the spring thunder in the team drum and ring the war drum of the times. Tell my motherland, tell my mother that I grew up with civility and etiquette. Let us plug in the wings of civilization, fly to the blue sky, fly to the future, and tell the sun and the moon that we are eagles that are about to spread their wings in the new century. To be the messenger of civilization, let us pave the road of civilization with a smile; Teenagers who are etiquette, let's build a bridge of etiquette with our heart. Accompanied by civilization and etiquette, Chinese virtues shine. Civilization and etiquette accompany me, and the flowers of civilization bloom everywhere.
4. "Politeness"
Although it is important to learn first, it is better to be polite. Observe the school rules and be polite when meeting the teacher. Students are friendly, and friendship is held tightly by small hands. Take care of public property, rest assured, and establish a new style. I'll do it.
5. "Civilized Ride Song"
Students, remember to line up when getting on and off. Get in the car, don't run around, and get some change for the ticket. In the carriage, don't make any noise, be quiet and orderly. Don't grab a seat if you have one. Old people and children will take care of it. When you get off the bus, you won't be crowded, and you will easily fall down if you delay time. Be civilized, be polite, and go to school happily.
6. Campus beauty
The teaching building is really lively. Willow is green and flowers are beautiful. Students, jump and jump. Be polite. Say hello to the teacher. Say hello to your classmates. Take care of the environment and make new moves. If there is rubbish, someone will deal with it. When you see waste paper, bend down and pick it up. Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility. The campus is beautiful and everyone laughs.
7, "Campus Civilization Etiquette Song"
Pupils, listen, keep safety awareness in mind. When you meet a teacher, you should salute. Etiquette is always in your mind. There is no contradiction between classmates, just peace and unity. Don't run around the corner, lest you knock someone down. In the corridor, the space is small, and there is no running, jumping or playing. Be careful when going up and down the stairs, and always keep to the right. Physical education class, listen to the command, will be careless, bring trouble. Have lunch, be civilized and waste it casually.
8. "Everyone starts with me"
We should make the earth green, the sky blue, the rivers clear, the air clean, flowers open, birds sing and the environment better. Everyone should start with me.
9. Middle school students' civilized etiquette poems
Chasing birds, walking into dense forests, chasing streams, walking into deep mountains, chasing butterflies, walking into flowers, let's walk into the window of etiquette. Let the hammer wake everyone up, let us walk into the school with etiquette, make the campus full of laughter, hold our arms high and embrace our beautiful dreams. Turn yourself into a tree of civilization and experience the happiness of civilization; Turn yourself into a flower of etiquette and feel the joy of etiquette. Walk into the window of etiquette and bathe in civilized etiquette. When you wake up from the dream of etiquette, you will tell your friends quietly: what is politeness, what is respect, what is self-love and what is self-discipline ...