After offering sacrifices to Confucius, Lu sighed:
In fact, poetry and people are not "evil", which is Lu Xun's mistake. Understand the following, and you will be clear. In a word, Lu Xun's evaluation is wrong. When Lu Xun prefaced Xu Maoyong's essay Miscellaneous Collection, he quoted a Tang poem as an example and compared it with Xu Maoyong's prose, saying, "This is the first poem in 300 Tang Poems, which is the so-called" poem "in An Introduction to Literature. But this has nothing to do with us. Where can I get these composition stickers now? They are vivid, inflammatory and beneficial, and they can also change people's feelings. " (The Complete Works of Lu Xun, Volume VI, page 30/kloc-0) The poem he quoted was Li Longji's "Ah, Master, how did the world repay it? The concern of your life? . The lords of Zou misjudged your land, and your home was regarded as Lu's palace. You predict that when the phoenix disappears, your fate will end, and you know that the captured unicorn will be the symbol of your teaching dose. But I watched this sacrifice, and it was still like a dream between these two temple pillars. It is wrong to read "Three Hundred Tang Poems". The first song is Zhang Jiuling's Feeling. It can be seen that when Lu Xun wrote this article, he did not turn over the books, but wrote down the impressions in his memory. In the poet's impression, why did he mistake this poem "Lu Ji Kong" for one of the "300 Tang Poems"? Because Li Longji has another identity, and that is Tang Xuanzong. In the past, when editing poetry collections, the works of the emperors of this dynasty were always placed at the front of the volume. This impression made him feel that this poem was "300 Tang poems". He didn't notice that 300 Tang Poems were compiled by genre. The first volume is five-character ancient poems, and five-character poems are the fifth volume. This book is really at the top of the fifth volume.